CUPE video asks voters to consider "dumping" B.C. Liberals like a bad boyfriend

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      In this satirical video from CUPE B.C., the B.C. Liberals are likened to an inconsiderate, dishonest boyfriend who needs to be dumped ASAP.

      It was put together by the same people behind those funny ShitHarperDid videos.

      The clip directs viewers to the union's site, which is designed to be shared via social media (by NDP voters, of course).



      Anon 62'

      Apr 6, 2013 at 2:07pm

      Very cute, but I'm still voting for them :-))

      colleen moore

      Apr 7, 2013 at 9:57pm

      The worst part of being lied to is that feeling your not worthy of the truth.