Jackson at Relish

You thought my sarcasm was hot. I enjoyed your hipster glasses and then asked you if you were a math major, and you did not throw a drink at me, so kudos to you. And then you were leaving to go to the Lamplighter with your friend in the oversized sweatshirt and shorts (seriously...wasn't he hot? It was a sweatshirt. In a bar.) and I was all, "why are you leaving? I haven't yet declared myself the winner of our dance off." and you were all, "you should just give me your number" and then my reply was a very slow "...uhh..." because internally I was thinking, "sweet jesus. I can't give my phone number to a 20-something at Relish after I told him that I was a flight attendant." So, I write this post to apologize because I was caught off-guard and my instinct is to NOT give out my phone numbers to strangers at Relish. It stems more from an irrational fear of being murdered than snobbiness. In any event, I hope that this unfortunate incident has not affected your impressive confidence because you are awesome. And probably not a murderer.

When: Saturday, July, 19 2014

Where: Relish Pub
