New Australia-Canada sci-fi series Stormworld

Principal photography has commenced on the new sci-fi TV series Stormworld. It will be shot in Australia, Singapore, and Vancouver.

The show is about two buddies trapped in an alternate reality with three suns and raging storms. Food and drinking water are scarce. The two must fight to survive and somehow get back to their own universe.

Canadian actors Andrew Jenkins and Calum Worthy star as Jason and Lee. The cast also includes Singapore's Lim Kay Tong and Australian actors Valentina Barron, George Shevtsov, Michelle Fornasier, and Kaz Sas.

The production is an Australia-Canada coproduction by Brightlight Pictures, Australian Great Western Entertainment, and Theatre Red of Singapore.




Jul 10, 2009 at 5:13pm

I tried watching the pilot as I was bored at the time, but seeing it was enough for me not to watch it again. There are a few things that bothered me right from the start:
I) the story makes no sense to me; a few guys in a boat sucked into a twister and ending up on another world followed by . . .I honestly don’t recall any more as the CGI effects and acting were getting on my nerves.
II) the acting is truly horrible, you have to see it to believe it but once I did all I could think was “I’d rather listen to the acting of that abomination of a child in Starwars episode 1”, which also sucks but that’s beside the point here.
III) as mentioned before the CGI effects they used are poor and probably less convincing than the Ping-Pong balls in Forrest Gump. For their sake I hope they just had an intern or volunteer doing this work because other wise the got royally screwed.

All in all I suspect it’s an international collaboration between film and graphic design schools, because that’s the only excuse I can come up with for the quality of this show.


Sep 19, 2009 at 10:13pm

This show is really BAD!
It's so bad it sucks monkey balls! It's so bad it blows and bites at the same time.

The acting is so wooden.

Why is it that besides the 2 main leasds that everyone that sucked into the vortex all have AUSTRALIAN accents?! lol (yeah I know it's a co production of Canada and Australia)

Where do the Drogue on their flybikes get that fashionable BLACK lipstick and oh by they way nice black outfits..very slimming!?! No wonder they cant find water or food..spending too mch time on their fashion.

Arkoddians area joke with thier "lazbolts"

yada yada yada

In a nutshell...the Vortex is started on Stormworld by the swarming of large beetle-like insects that get horny when they get in touch with Mystals slow moving fog cheesy cgi....I am getting tired wiriting about this trashy show..and oh by the way the boat the boys came in ..yes you guessed it called the "cougar"

The only people that would be interested in watching this show would be under 5 age, people that are suffering from the flu and dont want to think, mentally challenged individuals eah episode moves at a slow snail pace that can be summed up in in one sentence....and of course "cougars"

Kuttis forever