Canada Post locks out 50,000 employees

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      The Crown corporation that operates Canada's postal service has shut down operations.

      It has locked out 50,000 employees in response to rotating strikes by the Canadian Union of Postal Workers.

      In a statement on its website, Canada Post claims that the union's job actions "have had a significant impact on the short-term revenue of the business".

      "Canada Post’s estimated losses are approaching $100 million after today’s strike in Montreal and Toronto and that figure is climbing daily," management alleged.

      The Crown corporation also claimed that there has been "no progress at made at the negotiating table for weeks".

      "If we allow the uncertainty created by the rotating strikes to continue, our ability to remain financially self-sufficient and not become a burden on Canadian taxpayers will be in jeopardy," the company declared.

      The Canadian Union of Postal Workers says on its website that its members wants to deliver the mail, but Canada Post won't let them do it.

      The union is scheduled to hold a news conference in Ottawa at 8 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time.

      The shutdown of mail service comes shortly after B.C. voters received mail-in ballots for a binding provincial referendum on the future of the harmonized sales tax.




      Jun 14, 2011 at 10:49pm

      The problem is the union. Most postal workers do not support this strike. The workers have no benefits as the union had squandered the 50 million dollar reserve fund. The union should be charged with misappropriation of funds. Mr. Harper legislate the posties back to work and bust the criminals running the union.


      Jun 15, 2011 at 12:38am

      Yah sure, begin the end of the postal strike AFTER the mail in ballet to get rid of the HST has ended.
      People VOTE "YES" on ending the HST (that is, if we can send the ballets in).


      Jun 15, 2011 at 9:24am

      Well previous post the problem , as I heard it from inside and outside postal employees is the plan to bring in new workers at a 30% less pay. Can you imagine how morale goes when you're earning 30% less than the employee next to you doing the same job? They say the seasonal contractors they bring in (Christmas time) work for less than the average postie. I always remember that every Xmas when I hear on the news how some seasonal contractor hired because he has a van, didn't deliver the mail and they discover the bags ransacked by the side of the freeway.

      monty/that's me

      Jun 15, 2011 at 1:47pm

      Canada Post seems to be acting or orders from the PMO. This behavior is called BULLYING--the workers and the public.

      glen p robbins

      Jun 15, 2011 at 1:52pm

      On another stream I mentioned that Elections BC has indicated that the first block of ballots was sent out on June 13, 2011 to Kamloops, Alberni, and the North Coast - 25 placed outside of the Lower Mainland.

      The Lower Mainland ballots are being sent out on Monday June 20, 2011.

      Our polling reflects a much closer Referendum among British Columbians in the Lower Mainland of the Province - and a much higher rate against the HST in the North and Interior --- and I would suspect on Vancouver Island (relative to previous polling). BCers in the North and Interior also reflect higher against all taxes.

      What impact might the postal strike have on receipt of ballots in outlying areas relative to mail outs of ballots to the lower mainland next Monday. It won't be easy to track the receipt of ballots - and if people don't receive them they have to phone in to get one mailed.

      Very interesting.


      Jun 15, 2011 at 7:44pm

      Welcome to Thatcher style Union Busting ala your Neo-Con Government.

      But 36.7% of the Canada Post & Air Canada workers probably voted for this :).

      Hitler's Hairdresser

      Jun 16, 2011 at 12:27am

      CP just needs to branch out in cash voucher and banking services like the rest of the world. Australia Post let's internet merchants directly bill customers to pay in cash at any post office with an anonymous code up to $2k, and the merchant has it that day by 8pm. No charge backs, and impossible to fraud since only cash is involved. Why don't we have this here, Amazon moving tons of money through the service alone.