Rasputin Gray

Ever try to meet people in Vancouver? You'll have better luck getting Stephen Harper to hug his kids than you will convincing someone to talk to you in a bar. So there you stand, wondering "Who are those people I see every time I go to a show?" You're too shy to ask, so we do it for you.

WHO ARE YOU? "My name is Daniel R. Baughman, otherwise known as Rasputin Gray."

IN MY 9-TO-5 LIFE I'M A: "Well, unfortunately, it's more like a 7-to-3 life. I'm a housekeeper at the hospital."

IF YOU'RE BUYING, I'LL HAVE: "Anything with vodka in it! I'd also have pretty much any alcoholic beverage. But I am a big fan of the vodka!"

THE BEST SHOW I EVER SAW WAS: "I have not had the joy of being to many shows lately but, last year, just after my birthday, I went with my friend Roxy to see Bif Naked in Nanaimo. She was there with Dead Celebrity Status and Todd Kerns."

I WISH PEOPLE WOULD SHUT UP ABOUT: "Inflicting their beliefs on people, whether it be religion or just personal opinion. I mean, come on, people! I am not saying don't express yourself, but people are so uptight these days you can't even have a different viewpoint without them getting all defensive and shit. Relax, man, and take a puff."

THE LAST CONCERT T-SHIRT I BOUGHT WAS: "Um, I am not really into the whole commercialization and idolization of people, so I don't buy that stuff. But I guess if I were at a Rob Zombie show, I would have to splurge."

IN THE MOVIE OF MY LIFE, I'D BE PLAYED BY: "Johnny Depp. Not because I think so highly of myself, but a lot of people have said I am so much like him in certain parts of certain movies. And he's an all-right actor, so, yeah."

WHEN YOU'RE DOING THE LIMBO, DOES YOUR HEAD DROP TO THE FLOOR? "Ha ha. It's not quite that extreme, but I can bend backwards pretty far. I grew up in a small town with not a lot to do, so Kali, who is one of my best friends, and I used to dance a lot. We used to do all sorts of things, from climbing cliffs-with no safety ropes-to swimming in rivers and camping. But dancing and singing was definitely our thang??!"
