I worry

Bank failures Rising unemployment All the guns ISIS North Korea Worldwide strife Alton Nolen Stagnant wages Housing costs Ebola Dirty oil And it all makes me worry that this time it doesn't end well


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cul de sac

Sep 29, 2014 at 3:56pm

here, have some complimentary punctuation: ;; ..,'"".

0 0Rating: 0


Sep 29, 2014 at 4:26pm

Said a guy during the plague,
said a woman who's sister was burned at the stake,
said the Christian to the Lion,
said any person of any religion at all most any time in history in the Middle East,
said the AIDS orphans,
said the Ethiopians during the great famine,
said the Greeks in 2006 (and for a few years after that),
said the Aborigines when the worst invasive species showed up from England,
said the Russian when the vodka runs out and the Putin stays around,
said the Irish during the potato famine,
said anyone who came down on the wrong side of a conflict with Pol Pot or Genghis Kahn or Stalin or Hitler or on and on and on...

Quit listening to the news for a minute.
All the war, famine, disease, genocide, rape, murder and horror will still be there.
So give yourself a break, turn the shit off and live in the time you have now, because this is a temporary situation.
Life is a temporary situation.

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Sep 29, 2014 at 5:07pm

plus we all die in the end.

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Survey says....

Sep 29, 2014 at 6:03pm

The world is fine, there are just more people with cameras and the media tends to over exaggerate everything to keep you scared. Seems to be working.

This is just a door to to the next one anyway.

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I used to

Sep 29, 2014 at 6:40pm

be scared and depressed a lot as a kid for the same reasons as you (and also thanks to religion). Now, I believe in science and evolution! I'm more optimistic than ever. Yes, there are bad times but if you look at the history of humanity in the long term, you see constant progress and change. There are always different forces at play but the ones that will eventually dominate are the ones that will allow us to survive as a specie.

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Sep 29, 2014 at 9:18pm

I don't have a worry in the world at a moment. I focus on things I CAN CONTROL and everything else will happen whether we like it or not. I work hard and do right by my employer on a daily basis, I have food, I have shelter, and I have health(for the time being :))
I know what's going on amongst the top ladder assholes who run every country...they're all assholes dragging us down. Ain't worried about sh*t...nothing's gonna change for the good out in the world so whatever
I don't desire things I can't have or afford - I just accept every moment of life in the future is a bonus considering all the horrible things I've done to myself. I see worry as wasteful, but I don't blame peeps for feeling it in this era of modern fear-based propaganda...shit is slick man!

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Ignorance is bliss...

Sep 29, 2014 at 9:32pm

Until they take your bliss away. So kiss your bliss good bye kids the shit will hit the fan. BTW Alton Nolan was stopped by a guy witb a gun.

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Sep 30, 2014 at 1:13am

you worry while I sleep happy and in peace{because I pray to God for protection}.

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took me a minute

Sep 30, 2014 at 7:49am

... but did i detect a hidden 'brainwashed' in that post? or am i just maikng stuff up?

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To Bee, (or not to BE),

Sep 30, 2014 at 8:49am

That's nice that you pray but that is not guarantee of anything,
as any one who has ever prayed for someone with cancer knows or any one who has been raped knows...etc.

Maybe pray that your god could be less deaf when it comes to the suffering of children and the elderly.

Also you sound smug, not an attractive quality.

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