I have to vent this out today.

I am so sick of the system that has been created. I am so sick of fighting for grades in school. Fighting so you can get a good job. Go to university to be successful was what is essentially pushed all through highschool. You fight to stay ahead so you can get in. Then once you are in you fight for grades so you can get a good job. There are classes that are marked unfairly. There are classes where getting a good grade depends more on jumping through ridiculous hoops of those in charge then actually a demonstration of knowledge. You put up with bullsh!t from teachers. You put up with favoritism. You put up with unfair grades. You continue to fight and push. Student loans wrack-up. You fight the stress of loans on the back of your mind. Now, once you are close to graduating you now have to fight all the competition and job scarcity. What the hell was taught to us in high school? If I could go back in time I would have become an electrician or tradesman. Instead of going thousands of dollars into debt to learn a craft that you MAY get a job... Instead you get paid to learn a craft. You get to be free. Yes you need to show a level of professionalism but you can have fun at the job while you are at it. You don't need to become a boring book worm who kisses ass whenever the chance arises just so you can beat the curve. I am so sick of seeing this. I want to be free of this crap. Its a god damn joke. I feel I have wasted the best years of my life to pay thousands of dollars to read books and work my hardest to be beat by favoritism. I have officially become tired of life. If there was a reset button I would go back in time and be happy at doing a trade. TIRED


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Dec 23, 2014 at 1:24am

Agreed. When people ask me if I am going to school, I just make up a bullshit story just to shut them up . It gets real annoying, no I don't want to be in debt for school that I don't want to go to and get a job that I don't want. Seriously, take a trade, it will open up a lot more doors for you. That's my plan, anyway. Good luck to you!

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Don't quit yet!

Dec 23, 2014 at 2:24am

It's not too late to get a trade. Lots of people get a bachelors or masters and then get a trade. Yes, it's more money and more school, but you are in this for the long run! Pick a good one. Good luck.

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You're Right

Dec 23, 2014 at 7:24am

But as you have learned in University, being right doesn't count for shit. And sure, you can do the ol' "mature responsibel adult" cop out, become a plumber, electrician, etc. Maybe even net six figures, laugh at all those stupids from K-12 with their "degrees." Of course, you'll never be a doctor, lawyer, architect, pharmacologist, or anything else that the University monopolizes.

The University is a child-abusing cult. Like most abusers, it will explain its abuse in terms of necessity and have trouble conceiving of a world without abuse. And that is in part because all of the people who run the University, they're the ones who "respond well" to abuse like being confined in a room and being made to write tests. At the PhD level, discussions, esp. in the arts, about the whole thing being a big, vicious cult tend to make the Doctors very uncomfortable, and they tend to retreat into sloppy metaphors. If you want to see the abysmal ignorance of the PhD set, ask any PhDs you know if a University is an artificial person. The answer is "yes." Most of them have no fucking clue.

Doing a trade won't really help you escape the general issue of rule-by-University-morons. It will give you more money---is your objection to all of this that you won't get enough money or that it is immoral? If the former, well, you're more like these people than I think you care to admit. All they care about is money; they will even set up public education to ensure that their professorships keep getting paid off.

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Dec 23, 2014 at 7:59am

Good grades do not get you a job. Heck, the only time mine ever paid off was when I received an entrance award for grad school. Which was a pittance in comparison to the overall tuition.

I have to agree with "Don't quit yet". Don't overlook the value of a trade.

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I hear you

Dec 23, 2014 at 8:18am

I'm a tutor and sometimes my job is to turn a 91% student into a 98% student. Grade inflation is ridiculous. Kids are under so much pressure. Delusional parents aren't helping! That rat race breaks my heart. I've taken knocks in the job market so I use that experience to get my students to think about how they're going to make their way in this world. Going to university for the sake of going does NOT work anymore. It stopped working for my generation and it sure as hell doesn't work for yours. Get that degree as fast as you can, if you can, then get that trade ticket. Good luck.

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Oscar Wilde said it best

Dec 23, 2014 at 8:39am

I won't let schooling get in the way of my education.

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Dec 23, 2014 at 9:13am

I agree for the most part. Any field where political tone or artistic merit form part of the judgement means that the mark is subjective.

In sciences, there is one right answer most of the time. Trades are applied sciences, IMO.

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Dec 23, 2014 at 11:21am

...get it out, get it out. Feel better? Now go get back in there. There is a reason for all of the BS in college. It prepares you to deal with the BS in the workplace. Be strong and rise up!

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Dec 23, 2014 at 11:40am

Why does everyone think they can just go "get a trade ticket"? Maybe you didn't go that route because it is really not your strong suit in the first place. Not sure if I would want someone who was originally going for a PHD doing maintenance or renovations on my home.

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Well put

Dec 23, 2014 at 11:48am

I've been saying the same thing for years. Actually, I've been asked what I would suggest my children (if I had any) get into after high school. Either university or a trade. Even though I did the university thing, I'd suggest they look into a trade. I'd say do what you want, but don't think anything less than university is of any value.

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