Transit Tax

I swear, if this Transit Tax passes, I'm going to go out of my way to buy everything I can outside the 'region'.


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Oy Gevalt

Dec 19, 2014 at 10:21am

Yup, the bounday is out there somewhere. One side of the street will have to apply the tax and the other won't ... and that's not exactly a fair and level playing field.

I personally have a bigger beef with the Provincial Government absolving themselves of all responsibility by having this referendum in the first place. I mean, isn't this exactly what we pay them for? - running the province and working out the budget.

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Bateman quote

Dec 19, 2014 at 10:26am

"TransLink already takes 17 cents per litre on gas, 5 cents per litre of the federal government’s gas tax, ever-increasing property taxes, a 21 per cent parking tax and a levy on BC Hydro bills."

And remember, these are the dummies who can't get turnstiles installed, so do we really want to give them any more of our money to piss away?

Enough already!!

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more taxes to cover inept mismanagement

Dec 19, 2014 at 11:00am

Give me a real and full accounting of how they have spent our money to date and then come ask for more.

What's the price tag on the new fare system to date and what's a real estimate on the cost to completion?

Boy oh boy does it look like they wasted a lot of our money on that ridiculous system.

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Dec 19, 2014 at 11:18am

Translink is an entity set up to absolve the province of responsibility for transit decisions just in time for when the Lower Mainland will need more expensive mass transit to support rapid population growth and density. Of course such expansion will have to be met by substantial tax expenditure. But, the areas of the Lower Mainland that tend to vote BC Liberal are also those that get the most pissy about taxes for transit. How convenient is the existence of Translink for the BC Liberals!

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Dec 19, 2014 at 2:42pm

I want to know why I have to keep paying more for translink when we has very little service in Poco. Why do I have to subsidize the Cadillac service that Vancouver and Burnaby has. Just like the citizens of those two municipalities did not want to pay for the bridge because they didn't use it, so its now tolled, I don't want to pay for their services, the municipalities who benefit the most should pay for it

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northern bc

Dec 19, 2014 at 3:28pm

Try living in northern BC. I live in Dawson creek and we have two busses as our transit system. We also have to pay the same taxes as you. how is that fair.

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@northern bc

Dec 19, 2014 at 4:43pm

The sales tax increase, if passed, will only apply to goods in Metro Vancouver. Don't worry, you're keeping your shitty bus service for the indefinite future.

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Dec 19, 2014 at 4:48pm

Improved transit service is a good thing...right? Anyone else agree? HELLO??!

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