Dream life...

... would to have an unlimited amount of fabrics, a sewing machine and a dress form... and just play around with creating neat shit! An apartment of my own and NO roommates!! Dreams are just dreams though and reality is a bitch... but hey we all have to suffer. My only wish for real life is a day off from work where I can sleep in- in peace......


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dreaming can be practical

Jan 24, 2017 at 12:37pm

Wishes can lead to planning

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Jan 24, 2017 at 4:35pm

You could ask a fabric store to sponsor you? In exchange for some free fabric, you could do some sewing creations for them for free, and then promote your creation and the company that sponsored you on many social media platforms. They get free advertising, you get to show off your wicked work, and learn how to get eyeballs in your work, for free. Win, win, win.

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Make it happen

Jan 24, 2017 at 8:51pm

Plan out the steps you need to take in order to make your dream a reality. One step at a time; baby steps even. As long as you keep moving in a forward direction eventually you will get there.

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Jan 24, 2017 at 10:52pm

Come live at my house!!

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I understand

Jan 25, 2017 at 8:20am

i agree with @dreaming can be practical, right on! Absolutely probable and likely to come true, dear OP; your passion is your doorway to happiness and prosperity and ease and fun of life, which is your birthright: by perhaps offering to sell your one-of-a-kind brilliant creations to let's say Etsy or other specialized/unique companies (perhaps writing in your own hand-writing a formal, polite and professional yet humble letter directly to the company(ies) you would like your product to appear in), you will start the ball rolling, i have faith in you :) I believe your artistic creations and expressions in various materials will allow you to make more creations once you find a venue that will honestly and truly cherish and vend your beautiful creations. Sending you infinite warm and good, kind wishes and good tidings for abundant success and happy times for you OP :)

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Jan 25, 2017 at 11:11pm

Sell your designs on Etsy. Make a start toward your dream!

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