Hot for Teacher

It drives me insane when I hear a news story about a female teacher getting arrested for having a sexual relationship with a male student. She will lose her job, which I understand, but there will be an uproar if she doesn't serve time in prison and has her whole life ruined. People will whine about double standards like, "if it was a man who was with a female student, he would be sent to jail for sure!" Well, you know what? Male teachers who have sex with female students deserve to go to jail. Female teachers don't. If you want to troll me for saying that, go ahead. I don't care. It needed to be said. Men and women ARE different. Men have historically had a predatory mindset regarding young girls and sex. The same can't be said about women and boys. How many examples of women with a harem full of boys or multiple "brother-husbands" can you point to? None. The very thought is absurd. The power imbalance was and still is skewed towards men. Men can use coercion for sex in ways women cannot. I don't care what your lefty pop psychology or butthurt MRA says, women are not equally guilty of the same crime. In fact, I don't see older women being intimate with a teenage male student as a crime at all. If I was 17 again, and a cute teacher in her 20's made a move on me, it would be a dream come true. And instead of snitching on her like these other little whelps do, I'd be eternally grateful for the after-class lessons.


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My view...

Mar 17, 2017 at 1:58pm

... is that you were prob. insane before being exposed to those news stories.

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Mar 17, 2017 at 2:07pm

I think this is a conversation you should have with former, male victims of sexual abuse.

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Mar 17, 2017 at 2:07pm

They might not publish this comment but this needs to be stated for the record.

You are a fucking idiot.

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Mar 17, 2017 at 2:26pm

Idiocy at it's finest!

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Mar 17, 2017 at 2:59pm

You should work on putting your adolescent ways behind you. You're not 17, neither were those teachers. You're an adult. Think like one.

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Mar 17, 2017 at 3:00pm

You're focussed on the age difference. A 17 year old of either gender can legally consent with a 22 year old of either gender. That isn't the issue. You're skipping over the fact that it's a crime due to the teacher's abuse of a position of authority.

The fact that men *can* use additional means of coercion has no bearing on a case where a women *did* abuse a position of authority over a minor.

There is also the fact that "Not only must Justice be done; it must also be seen to be done". If people are not treated equally before the law it will not be viewed as having any moral authority.

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she belongs in jail

Mar 17, 2017 at 7:21pm


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Mar 17, 2017 at 9:38pm

"Male teachers who have sex with female students deserve to go to
jail. Female teachers don't."

Thanks for the laugh!! Now get back to your women's studies class, commie.

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You are not only an idiot

Mar 17, 2017 at 10:07pm

You are a misandrist. Bottom line. -A woman

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she wasn't a teacher, but boy did she teach me a thing or 2

Mar 18, 2017 at 4:23am

Well, when I was 17, a bodacious 25 year old women quickly convinced me that my out of town girlfriend was of no issue for her and then had her way with me. It was awesome and it happened a few more times. Thanks JC - I still remember it all vividly.

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