Simpson or Star Trek?

Who was better at predicting the future? Simpson predicted Trump, but Star Trek predicted sanctuary districts. Langley is getting what they are calling 'dementia village' and Vancouver has one in the planning stages. The village is described as a 5 acre walled community with an eight-foot perimeter fence offering people a safe place to live, shop and enjoy the outdoors, with one way in and out. Good idea or out of sight out of mind? I can see both arguments, but who decides who is going to live inside?


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good idea!

Feb 28, 2018 at 5:05pm

These have been tried in Europe - they create a sense of normalcy & community for people affected by dementia, while also keeping them safe. It sure beats 'chemical restraints' (e.g. drugging someone up so they can barely move or function) as well as physical restraints like being tied to your bed because you have a tendency to wander.... all ways we currently 'help' people with dementia.

4 9Rating: -5

Health care

Feb 28, 2018 at 7:27pm

I work in health care and the fact is that we're year 3-4 into a 10 year projectory where the people aged 65yo or older will be double the population of those who are younger. And dementia is on the rise. We are seeing it when people come to the hospital, and discovering their cognitive decline even when that wasn't the primary reason for why they are being admitted. These villages ARE good idea, but obviously ethics have to be smoothed out. If the general public needs more information, please look at Sweden for good examples. Yes they have healthcare funding that we don't have but even just having people be more educated about dementia and the level of care those who have it need will be one step on the direction. Don't be ignorant. Educate yourself.

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Mar 1, 2018 at 7:25am

People with dementia need to have a safe, interesting, and comfortable living environment. Little villages which promote everything you described will help reduce aggression, fear, and dangerous behaviors for such people. I worked at a seniors home. Dementia patients are a handful but can also be really happy & pleasant to work with if the external conditions are right.

11 7Rating: +4

Ask the people who live there

Mar 2, 2018 at 4:34am

If the village makes the residents feel safe and comfortable, I'm all for it. It might make things easier on their families too. It's a bit of a balance. I don't want people with dementia to feel imprisoned or exiled.

5 9Rating: -4

Ask the people who live there

Mar 2, 2018 at 4:35am

If the village makes the residents feel safe and comfortable, I'm all for it. It might make things easier on their families too. It's a bit of a balance. I don't want people with dementia to feel imprisoned or exiled.

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