Leaving Vancouver

I find it very difficult to understand why many people whose future is being jeopardized by the current housing situation in Vancouver do not simply pack up and leave. While it would be a terrible thing for Vancouver to lose the tremendously talented people who would leave it is absolutely the best course of action for many people who cannot build a future for themselves in Vancouver due to the high costs and lack of appropriate housing. So many people are not really thinking about leaving but their future would definitely be brighter elsewhere and although I too love Vancouver I had to leave and now live in the suburbs and honestly the lack of stress is noticeable even living a half hour away from Vancouver it is so much easier with less traffic less issues and a bit more peace and quiet with no loss of convenience whatsoever I am so grateful for this meanwhile I can of course go back to visit that is enough for me


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Jul 8, 2018 at 11:21pm

this is my home. the greedy landlords and politicians can leave instead, and you with them.

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Making moves?

Jul 9, 2018 at 12:01am

Yes well, complacency is Canada's national pastime. People would rather shoot themselves in booth feet than change their lives. No one under 40 should live in Canada, anyway. Canada's ideal for old people not the young.

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Jul 9, 2018 at 6:16am

Those of us who were born and raised here, have lived here for many decades, who have extended family and friends, cannot simply pack up and politely get out of the way to make it even easier for “newcomers” to take over our city and our way of life. I have considered leaving because it has broken my heart to see what has become of my beloved home town, but it’s just not that easy. I’m also angry as hell at our pathetic politicians who willingly turned a blind eye to permit the devastation of our city by foreigners and greedy developers, and I keep hoping that they will prosecute the criminals who have been laundering money at the expense of the rest of us. I know it’s highly unlikely, but I can dream, can’t I?

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Jul 9, 2018 at 9:24am

Very well said.

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The suburbs are better managed

Jul 9, 2018 at 11:16am

Most suburbs of Vancouver have more responsible Mayors and generally better city management and planning than Vancouver city itself. Some suburban locations have extremely convenient transit connectivity, and some have park and rides that are reasonably priced.

Sadly, current popular culture portrays living in the suburbs as not cool, and moving into the city as the trendy thing to do. This view is also promoted by the city of Vancouver. It is a dangerous idea that has densified and gentrified San Francisco to the point of being unaffordable for families with six-figure household incomes. We need to have the maturity to be able to ignore popular culture trends and make pragmatic choices that actually work for us.

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I agree

Jul 9, 2018 at 1:54pm

It breaks my heart that I have to leave. Now that I've realized how vital it is that I find another place, I'm experiencing Vancouver through a newcomer's eyes. But that's the trap. The fantasy and reality of living in Vancouver are two different things, and at one point, before the drugs and developers (the drugs got worse, way worse), the fantasy was real. Now, this place is inundated with pain, and has become a black hole of narcissism, despair, and a rebellious, small town, focus-on-the-outward-physical-and-status fever as an antidote, especially among the young people, if only on the surface. I only hope I find the right place and people. I'm getting my tesl (teaching English as a second language certificate) for exactly this reason. Even corporate jobs out here are underpaid and corrupt. I was struggling and living in poverty even as a grad with sales experience, and many, many people out here have it way worse. So much suffering, that is turned a blind eye to by our politicians and people in charge.

I'm convinced this whole province is haunted, as crazy as that sounds. It's a really bad case of stockholme syndrome, in any case.

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Jul 10, 2018 at 6:57am

Isn’t it obvious? People feel they are owed the right to a detached home. The thought of perhaps living in a more affordable area is simply UNACCEPTABLE!! They are owed and if they wait their entire life bitching a home will be given to them. Or will it?

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Why leave?

Jul 10, 2018 at 11:37am

Start fighting the good fight people! You want affordable housing? Start a fucking protest!! Stop foreign buyers! Stop jacking rents up! Implement rent controlled apartments again! This is all so plain and simple. The squeaky wheel gets the oil. If we stand together and scream loud enough, the city will hear us and have to do something.

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Totally disagree

Jul 14, 2018 at 11:59am

A healthy city is made of people of all varying states of progress, including economically, and having the room for all of them is vital for a healthy environment, especially when looking at the economic food chain. When nobody who makes your mochachino or does your dry cleaning can be even be here to do the work to serve people like you, the owners of those shops can't function and they close, and eventually you have expensive condos and overpriced shops, lots of empty spaces, less vitality and increased filth piling up. Look up how Silicon Valley is faring with the attitude you're professing. It's actually causing the place to slowly choke itself out, driving away talent in the process and getting filthy in the process. So, no, the answer isn't to allow people to "just move", and your "let them eat cake" view of the world is the kind of poison we need an antidote to...and fast. People who read this, stop being lazy and start voting people in who actually have solutions as well as uphold healthy cities for all. It's in all of our best interests.

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