No, NOT mutual

I confess that I'm really fed up with hearing people call someone who finally stands up to an abusive bully "mutually abusive". If someone has been tolerating abuse for a long time and reaches the end of their rope and finally reacts, like any normal person would, then they aren't being abusive! They're just reacting to abuse, and that's a very different situation. The thing about abusive people though, is that very frequently they don't see what they're doing as abusive, even if the recipient of the abuse has told them over and over again that what they're doing is hurting them. When that person finally ends it, even if they chose to do it in a way that seems "malicious", it's only because they just can't take it anymore. I'm not proud that I chose to go over the top a bit in my reaction, but I stand firm in that in no way was I being abusive by doing so. I was simply trying to make a point, and obviously the person got the message.


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That's Terrible.

Aug 3, 2018 at 4:51pm

I'm sorry someone hurt you. Sometimes being taken advatage of can be the worst feeling. Here are some good questions to make sure you're not taken advantage of in the future, and so you can protect yourself against abusive people: What was the nature of the abuse?
What did you do leading up to the abuse?
Did the abuse first come out of nowhere?
When the abuse continued, what did you do just before they were abusive again?
Sending you love. You CAN get through this, and you CAN find relationships without abuse in them. It can take a long time heal from abuse. The first step to healing is what you just did: accept you're at the end of your rope, and learn where your bondaries are for next time. The second step is to give them no more power, and to channel that power back to you, where it belongs and where you can put it to good use. It's important you ask yourself these questions with you as the subject and actor leading to the abuse, because it's like you said, the abuser often doesn't see it, but you can see and learn from it so you're not taken advantage of again.

15 9Rating: +6

Wah wah wah

Aug 3, 2018 at 6:34pm

Get over them already. They'll never condone your excessive responses, whether you want acknowledge your own brutality as abuse or not. Their happiness isn't dependent on you or yours. People will always get over your shit, and they will always get over you, even if that does take awhile. That's just an eventuality you should have considered before acting like a foolish idiot yourself. You're just not that important to them anymore, so pick up your wounded pride, move on, and try to find some contentment in your bitter and otherwise unsatisfied life.

@wah wah wah

Aug 3, 2018 at 8:32pm

So easy for someone to “get over it” when they never really felt it in the first place, wouldn’t you agree? Anyone who actually has genuinely loved someone knows that you can’t simply turn off your feelings just because they’re inconvenient. You express yourself like a cold-hearted jerk.

20 8Rating: +12


Aug 3, 2018 at 8:43pm

Op: whoever you are, and I seriously doubt that you’re the person I’m talking about, you have absolutely zero clue about what “brutality” was meted out to me in the relationship. If you really believe that telling someone who has been bullying you forever that you’re onto them is being brutal, then I’d hazard a guess that you’ve never experienced a relationship like I did. Butt your interfering **s out.

16 8Rating: +8


Aug 3, 2018 at 9:06pm

I went through the same thing recently. :/

13 7Rating: +6

Re: wah wah wah

Aug 3, 2018 at 10:58pm

They sound like an an abuser / abused themselves. I hope they one day love themselves the way they should be loved. Don’t ever take unkind advice to heart ❤️

In any case, you made boundaries and stuck to them, and should be proud of that. Never apologize for how you get yourself out of bad situations. Sometimes, it takes an explosion! And that’s ok. I hope you’re safe now :)

20 7Rating: +13


Aug 4, 2018 at 8:46am

"mutual abuse" sounds like something an abuser would say.

16 7Rating: +9


Aug 4, 2018 at 3:40pm

I feel like your criticism could be for me although I'm not the OP. But since it doesn't seem to be your story why are you even involved? I doubt you know all the details of the story. And I don't have to get over them. It only hurts me anyway.

11 7Rating: +4

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