Oh Mr. Sun

Sometimes the sunshine makes me feel even more lonely and depressed 'cause I don't have anyone to enjoy the day with. When it rains, I at least have an excuse to stay in. I have few friends, and most of the few I only see when I make plans with them, they never initiate. I feel like cutting them loose but that will only lead to even fewer friends.


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Jun 21, 2012 at 10:50am

I feel exactly the same way. It stresses me out, because I feel like I HAVE to go outside all day, doing stupid summer stuff (sitting around all day on the beach? No thanks). It makes me feel like I'm somehow a loser for not playing beach volleyball with a bunch of good looking people. It makes me feel guilty for wanting to stay inside and read or watch a movie.

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Another guy

Jun 22, 2012 at 12:15pm

Friendships, like everything good, need a little work. Speaking as someone who has lost friends because of changes in life, I would work on those friendships you have. They are more valuable than you know right now. Having grown up in Vancouver, i feel that sunny days are not trustworthy because the rain is coming.

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Jun 22, 2012 at 2:31pm

You are loved more than you know...be your own best friend, and first and foremost, love yourself. Believe in yourself and the potential you possess...and all the friends you could ever want will appear before your very eyes :)

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Oh Mr. Sun

Jun 26, 2012 at 3:35am

Thanks for the comments. I'm surprised by how many can relate.

@ Another guy - once I notice I haven't heard from a friend in a while, I give it another 3 shots, make an effort to hang out, if I don't see them or hear from them after that, ball's in their court. Growing up, I had few friends and many were fair weather friends that were only there when they needed something. I have learned to cut those people out, I guess I just have low tolerance for anyone who doesn't value me the way I value them.

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Jun 29, 2012 at 8:33pm

Wow, sometimes I find reading these confessions so, well, refreshing! To read about people who feel the exact same way as me, well, it makes you realise that maybe it's not just me, that I'm not alone... that maybe all of us who feel this way -- the initiators, the doers, the chasers, the wanters of excitement and fun and LIVING -- should meet up on a street corner and start a new group of friends! At least then we'd never be lonely or short of people to hang out with :-) What say you?

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