

Sad trade off

It’s great that he gave up drinking if it was creating a problem in his life. It’s sad that the only time he could ever say the things that I needed to hear from him was when he was drinking. I think if you can only express your true feelings when you’re drunk, alcohol is only a symptom of a much bigger problem.

Do better or do worse?

Something we notice on social media is basically a trend of all kinds of phrases. Among the many phrases you hear are “ghosting”, “bae” “wokeness” “narcissist” and now “do better.” I wonder if I’m the only one who thinks that “do better” is merely a disguised insult that comes off as virtue signalling? I find that whenever people use this phrase, they don’t actually encourage positive behavior. It comes off as attacking and demeaning, which basically makes the other person feel ambushed. Maybe I’m the one who needs to “do better”. Do better? Do worse? What next? Do nothing? Nothing at all? JUST DO IT!!

Lovely! Judgemental Me!

I haven’t liked this word “ lovely “ for awhile now and today I have to tell the public. I noticed whenever people say “ she’s lovely “, or “ It’s a lovely present “, “ it was lovely to meet them “, they all don’t have anything nice to say, but they still have to be polite, so they use the word lovely. I find it so fake when they say it too. I like analyzing body language and words people use, what they say how they say something, so that’s what I noticed. Ever since I realized this, I caught myself wanting to use this “ lovely “ to describe someone or something too. Just a couple of times because I really didn’t know what to say. I chose not to comment. I caught myself not to do it, because at that moment I just confirmed so it is true, when you can’t describe someone/ something is nice, we just turn to the word “ lovely”. Another word is “ yes”. Someone that keeps saying “yes”, it sounds patronizing. They are usually people that are proper, want to let people know they are educated and a good person. They just keep answering “ yes “. Hey, what do you readers think? Any thoughts are welcome. I’m sure I will get some disagreements. I let you know, I haven’t used the word “ lovely “ once in my life to describe anything or anyone. But I have said “ yes , yes, yes” to a few people, and in my heart I was doing my eye rolling. Ya, I don’t eye roll when I’m in conversation. I also think that’s a sign. It says a lot about how they feel about the other person. Haha

Seemed normal at the time

Have you ever looked back at a situation you once lived in and realized how completely bizarre it really was? Like a job or a relationship or your family life? It’s been years of healing from the last one for me, but memories keep surfacing and when I look at them without the influence of that person colouring my perception I see so clearly how really messed up it was. I didn’t even know what was happening because it was so insidious that by the time I realized what was going on I was ensnared in it. Same with some old jobs I had where the stuff I had to deal with would never be tolerated in any workplace today, but back then it was just my usual day. Recognizing how all of these things have affected me is like putting puzzle pieces together so it all makes sense. Now it’s just learning how to leave it in the past and move forward in a healthier way.

How long till I croak

My health hasn’t been too good lately and sometimes, I’m not sure if I’ll even make it past my 40s. If let’s say, I die of a heart attack peacefully in my sleep, then so be it. I honestly don’t like the idea of getting old and gray, because that’s when the body starts to turn wrinkly and ugly. And I don’t like the idea of laying in a hospital bed with tubes up my nose or something like that. If I’m destined to leave this planet, then I’d rather go peacefully in my sleep. So be it then. Nope, it’s not suicidal ideations or anything.

Don't drive your car to "car free" day.

I remember running an errand to Main St on a "car free" day. The side roads were completely clogged and traffic was at a standstill on these residential side roads. It entirely defeats the purpose. Take bus, skytrain, walk, ride bikes etc. but at all costs DO NOT DRIVE TO CAR FREE DAY. Thanks!


What do you do when you spend years clearing your name to false allegations against a person in trust. When you spend upwards of $10k on legal bills to navigate the system. When you spend close to 2 years of anxiety and stress slowly navigating the various legal avenues. Then the day(s) come when every legal victory is yours. In todays culture of being a victim in order to validate harming others the way they've harmed you, it would've been easy for me to go that route. To be filled with anger. Hate. To be a perpetual victim. As I stand atop this mountain, I am filled with empathy. There are no gold stars or money or retribution for overcoming false claims, there is only you facing your mirror knowing you overcame someone else shitty behaviour. And that's enough for myself.

"That's it, I quit this band" moment?

It happened during practice when I strummed my guitar and the drummer who looked like she could pass for a grandmother expected me to slow down. Been playing guitar for over 20 years and some tired old fogey tells me how I should play. I felt belittled. Didn't like that, it got way too boring for me. So I simply left. Can't stay in any band unless your heart's content.


Not going to spend any more time complaining to Translink about my overcrowded bus route. Overcrowding is happening on a lot of buses throughout the lower mainland and nothing is getting done. Just all talk and no action. Even if you complain to a customer service agent and they pass it on there’s really nothing they can do. The agents have no control over what the higher-ups do. They basically just get paid to sit in a call centre, give directions and listen to your problems over the phone. I’m done.

The Ballad of the Northern Lights

It's a strange poem. And with the aurora making regular appearances it's come back to mind. Three friends venturing to seek out what fortune can be made of a mysterious phenomenon. One has a problem with their feet and bows out. Another wanders off with disjointed speech and is lost from exposure. The writer makes it and is in awe of the crackling magnetic glow, yet returns to civilization penniless, still alive, but starving. In my life I've seen parallels of the poem play out in unexpected ways. It's caused me to wonder if chasing passions and the discovery of self is a fools errand. Therapy is expensive and it leaves me lonely and hungry.


Enviromental consultant at Oakridge and 41st

I asked you about your hardhat while we were waiting for the R4 outside of the Oakridge Skytrain...