

Getting why we met... and why we failed

I was chatting with a friend about a guy who seriously entertained the idea of having me on the side if not leaving his marriage outright. The risk was too much for him, as he couldn't give me the courageous leap to claim me by leaving what he had or even by declaring his feelings out loud to my face. He hated that I couldn't be the side piece that allowed him to have both worlds. I shook up all he knew and he never forgave me for making him feel what he felt while knowing he couldn't be what I needed. We were both awful to each other trying to find a way of loving each other that we both wanted but couldn't have because we were both firm in our own terms. We were alike in ways that didn't help. He still hates me because, in the quietest moments, he still desires me and I ruined his plans. And yet, he's strong enough to bury himself in life to not think of me, the one who got away (he hates that part because it's true). I found a silver lining in this experience: I was able to empathize and give good advice to my friend about to go through something similar based on my experience with the man from my past. Communicate, be completely open and honest and be okay that doing so brings truth to each other's hearts, even if the result is realization that it cannot be. That is the advice I gave. No hiding, strategic gameplay, no withholding feelings or facts. All the things a healthy relationship deserves even if it leads to its end is what two people wondering about the love of each other deserve. To that mixed up man: I get why we went through it all. Such drama, omg. Oddly, I thank you, and I'm sorry we couldn't be healthy together like that but I hope you're at least content. I know you will always hate me because it's easier and I know you want to forget. I hope, if you can't forget, you realize silver linings that do add to your happiness in yourself and in others.


I’m glad they didn’t win the cup this year. I used to wish they would win it before my dad died, but winning it the 1st year after would have been adding insult to injury.

Ob La Di, ob la da, life goes on

I recently ran into someone from high school. I wouldn't call this person a fully-fledged bully. That person was just a colossal jerk to me. We both talked for a while and had no hard feelings about the past. He never apologized, but really it didn't matter. We both moved on. I respect people who move on from high school much more than those still stuck in high school 20 years later.

The Drifter

Ever since The Railway Club closed I feel like I have been drifting around looking for somewhere to belong.

Ain't that a kick in the head

It happened before I even realized but I think I love you. I will never tell you, you can never and will never know and our solid friendship is now doomed. Eventually the heartache will wear and tear on me to the point where I just quietly slip away. I believe the kids today call this "ghosting." It's been nice knowing you.

There’s a war on

…women. Anyone who doesn’t see this is either part of it or is willfully blind to the it. My news feed this morning had no fewer than 4 articles about women right here in BC who had been murdered by their domestic partners, or sexually assaulted by a stranger. What’s happening in the states is unbelievable and it’s clear to anyone with a brain what the end goal here. I’ve done my time for 6 decades of fighting for equal rights for women, and I’m tired! It’s time for decent men to start calling out the bad ones and teaching the young men that traditional patriarchal values don’t serve anyone in the long run.

Omg he needs to get over it

I have a friend in his 40's who's on FetLife & constantly complains how hard it is to meet women to have as he calls "dirty kinky fetish type sex" ....I have told him it's very likely people who are in that "scene" maybe make up I would say 5 or 6 or 7% percent of the general population here on Vancouver & people in general aren't into that type of sex, only the plain vanilla type sex, but it goes in one ear out the other, I think I should tell him to complain to someone else as it annoying & I've only listened to him about it because I'm a friend of his lol

Trashing our beautiful city

I admit that I absolutely hate how certain groups are trashing our beautiful city with all their sticky posters . Why do you insist on making this beautiful city look like a third world country ?

Ugliness appears when you get drunk.

Comments like I'm tired of men wanting to be women, wearing makeup and appearing edgy. It's sad that there's judgment and homophobia underneath your surface.

Wondering about an employer's rights to know my SIN number in order to complete a background check

I have not been hired yet by this company but they are asking me to provide my SIN number in order for them to complete a background check on me. They want to check my employment history, educational background, complete a criminal record check and find out what my credit score is. What are your thoughts on a potential new employer requesting to know your SIN number before actually hiring you?


Enviromental consultant at Oakridge and 41st

I asked you about your hardhat while we were waiting for the R4 outside of the Oakridge Skytrain...