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Shame repair

If you don't know how to teach this, your kids will get NPD. It's true, look it up.

In your dreams....

I confess I’ve dreamt about you almost every night for the past couple of weeks. Are you dreaming of me too? Did you see me swimming in the primordial soup? Because I swear that I saw you standing there, telling me you miss me too. 17 years gone by and I still can’t close that door.

Fool for love

I confess that I’m totally clueless when it comes to romantic relationships. I’ve had several in my life, some long term, and I can truthfully say that I am still confused. I get caught up in emotion, I react instead of responding, I don’t communicate clearly because I’m trying to protect my pride “just in case”. I guess like everyone else I’m just a product of my history and past hurts. I know what the ideal is, but I’m often not able to do it until it’s too late. I’ve done more apologizing than I can remember, once I realize what I should have done differently. I’m not saying that I’m the only person in any relationship who makes mistakes, because my partners made just as many. I’m just saying that I feel badly about freaking out instead of actually telling them what I needed right then and there. I get it finally that guys just don’t seem to read non-verbal cues the way women do, and apparently they do need things spelled out. I resolve to try harder next time, unless of course the one I still love is willing to try again too, so we can possibly learn more together. My life is just so blah without him.

Not that Impressive

I work in a bar and we have a regular bar fly. She has a good job and seems to know a lot of people, but she's clearly an alcoholic who needs to put away a few bottles of wine each night. When I point this out to other staff they say "Well ya, but she gets up early in the morning and does stuff, since it doesn't seem to affect her, it's pretty impressive" Well I don't think so, I'll be impressed if she can go a single night without the wine.

I hate the term karma

So many people around here talk about karma and they don't even know what it actually means. There is no such thing as karma! Some of the nicest people you will meet have cancer, or have been abused. Did they deserve this? No! Shut up about fricking karma, Vancouver. It's just another way of blaming victims and assigning false meaning to the randomness of it all. I call people out on their bs if they start talking about karma to me. Shut it! You're words are hurtful and offensive. By the "logic" of Karma, Gord Downy must have been a very bad guy?.... This line of thinking makes no sense!


I’m in my late twenties and I don’t like to party. The friends that I do have drink every day and like to party as much as possible. I can’t keep up and I quickly fizzled out. Ever since I stopped partying and drinking, they don’t like hanging out with me. Is everyone our age like this? Or have I just chosen the wrong friend group?

Lack of Fortitude

Living outside of the lower mainland and continually hearing and reading about the so called ‘housing crisis’ in Vancouver and area is becoming increasingly frustrating. The cost of housing to purchase or rent on the lower mainland is admittedly ludicrous, but what is more so is the fact that people continue to choose to live there. Some even believe they have a given right or deserve to so demanding the government takes measures to ensure affordability. The lower mainland does have a lack of affordable housing but the citizens constantly complaining about it possess a lack of fortitude. Throughout history human beings who couldn’t make it where they lived packed up, said goodbye to their loved ones knowing full well that they may never see them again and left. They possessed the resolve to recognize that their present situation was less than desirable and that they were the only ones who could change it. They trekked across vast and dangerous lands or sailed unpredictable seas aboard leaky wooden boats searching for opportunity and a livable existence. The greater province of British Columbia is such a place. British Columbia, which doesn’t end at Chilliwack, features dozens of communities both large and small that offer affordable housing and opportunity. There are many communities where home (not just a cramped condo in a concrete high rise) ownership is a reality, where commutes to work are less than 15 minutes and where there are as many recreational and cultural activities as in the lower mainland. Most are within a day’s drive or short flight to Vancouver, if you really have the need to go there, and many are actively looking for new citizens of all backgrounds. So what’s keeping the complainers and others from taking advantage of what this province has to offer? A distinct lack of fortitude. The courage and strength to leave behind the known for the unknown, even if the known is suffering with a three part time jobs, pay cheque to pay cheque existence. The courage to leave behind basement living in your parent’s home and 3 year wait lists for daycare. The strength to leave behind the support networks of family and friends to see if you can make it own your own. No one owes anyone the means to live in Vancouver and no one should expect to be helped out of a situation that they choose to stay in when there are countless opportunities within a day’s drive. So suck it up, pack it up and move. I did fifteen years ago and except when I’m hearing about the housing crisis in Vancouver, I’m content. Michael Bruce Williams Lake

twenty eight dollars

I know it isn't much, but my yearly rent increase might just be the last straw. I barely manage to stay afloat and now the noose gets a tiny bit tighter.


I wish I could find a woman who didn't always want to go out and do stuff. Most times I I just want to chill out in my apartment and do nothing. I mean, really literally just laze around doing nothing. Staring out the window, at the ceiling, books, youtube, etc. I realize this isn't very attractive to a lot of women. They seem to like adventure, excitement, new experiences, so I guess I don't have a lot to offer on that front. I would like to find a hermit woman who likes comfort, security, repetition, predictability, so that we could retreat and hide from the world together.

Loneliness, Unhealthy Images

Stopped masturbating after deciding the root cause was my feeling of emptiness, alienation and generally loneliness. It is a unhealthy state of being and one that is not sustainable however one tries to convince one self it can be controlled in any amount in ones life. It is a conclusion I arrived for myself after many year of vicious cycle, self contempt and money wasted. Its been a dead end.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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