

Search confessions


“I’m an old soul”. is now being replaced by “I’m an empath.” The people that have to tell me this on a daily basis in my healthcare line of work is ridiculous. Because they are not. It’s laughable...

Oh sure, go ahead...

...engage with my ex on social media —the guy who broke my heart. The man I thought I'd marry. You didn't even KNOW him before I started dating him. You aren't (and never were) friends with him. But I guess it's par for the course, seeing as I never hear from you. You suck. Not a real friend. Good riddance.

I’m not afraid

I confess that the reason I avoid confrontation with certain people isn’t because I’m afraid. It’s because I know from experience that it wouldn’t matter what I said, because they’re never going to see anything from anyone else’s perspective. They’ve proven that already. So, instead of confronting them, I just disengage completely and carry on with my life. Call it whatever you like, but it saves my sanity and they’ll just carry on being “always right”.

My oh my sushi

My sushi post got deleted... all I said is I love Vancouver and sushi and it got deleted... fascism ...

Evo woe

The city has essentially oversold (by many times) all of the reserved residential parking permits by allowing unrestricted parking to car shares. There are enough evos etc on the road to fill a neighbourhoods residential parking many times over without leaving a space for a person who has proved they actually live there and have PAID for the right to park hopefully within a couple of blocks of home! In neighbourhoods near Playland (like mine) our permitted residential parking is filled to the brim over the day with evos and car 2 go’s as soon as Playland season takes off (exasperated by events at the PNE grounds). This morning, the morning after the craft beer fest, I counted 26 car share cars parked around the intersection I neighbour....I only counted the ones within 3-4 houses of the intersection. City officials have stated that the reason car shares are allowed in permit parking is because car share drivers live in the neighbourhoods too. And granted a couple residents in the block MAY use 1 now and then, but there is no way that these hoards of cars are neighbourhood residents. They are mostly “non-neighbours” and they don’t care about our neighbourhood. I spoke to 1 driver parked in front of our front steps, we went out and asked if they would mind parking back about 15 feet (in another open spot) as we had to have an ambulance to our house A LOT that week and it would really help if the we can keep our car in this spot to easily move for the ambulance. Their response? “Well, I’m allowed to park anywhere” locked up and left, couldn’t roll 15 feet knowing we were likely to have crisis. Certainly evo has its members addressess and actively tracks which member is using the car, where and when. They have what they need to only allow individual drivers to park in their own actual neighbourhoods permit parking.

Do I have a right to be depressed?

I'm a attractive white male Canadian living in Vancouver. I have a job that pays the bills, my own apartment downtown and lots of friends and family that love me and think I'm a great guy. I've also been lucky to have some great sex in my life in the last few years. I've been very lucky to do some amazing things in my life, while many people around the world lack clean drinking water or live under violent and/or oppressive governments. Some people are struggling just to fill their bellies. Over the last 3 weeks or so I've been incredibly depressed. It has reached it's peak (or bottom?) today as I write this. I won't mention the reasons why I'm incredibly depressed right now, but it stems from a series of recent events. Given the privilege I have every day and the life I've been handed, do I have any right to be depressed? I also don't want to tell my friends and family, I don't want to burden them with this information or be forced to explain why I'm depressed. I don't want them to lose sleep over me. I guess I just needed to get this off my chest, anonymously... *Heavy sigh*

I am so glad...

... the feminists and others agitated for easy divorce. My dad took care of himself, brought home the bacon, is nonviolent, is a great guy. His wife, on the other hand, had disabilities---she was streamed into the "non-university" track in highschool, which is what they did before modified math, special ed, etc. So, after two kids, she starts becoming impossible to live with, all her girlfriends and her female physician blame my dad, who never did anything but work tons of overtime to support his family---he didn't go out drinking, he saw his friends literally _once a month_. She was physically abusive, just like in that Vancouver Sun article by TODD: she would slap, scream, push, shove, etc. So, he left, amicably, continued to support her financially. She rapidly developed diabetes and other health problems because he did all of the cooking when they lived together, and once he left, she decided it was OK to eat nothing but junk. If the Government hadn't allowed her to ruin things, I'd have had a great life. Of my siblings, I'm the only one who hasn't kill himself or died of "natural causes" before the age of 35. I'm the only one who didn't end up diabetic, because I _stopped listening to her_ and regarded her as a _moron_, which she is. My siblings who listened to her, dead. All of the data says kids are better off with single fathers, especially if they're working men, 'cause for a man to work he needs to be healthy. Just head to your local Government office and see how many unhealthy women are employed there, pushing paper.

Missing and murdered women report

Probably the most important thing to happen in Canadian politics in a long time whether you realize it or not at this time. We can only hope that in future the evil deeds done to women in the dark are brought into the light. The scapegoating of women needs to stop. We need to change. Things need to change in our society no one can deny this

Too funny!

For all you die hard Games of Thrones fans, there is now a gif of the Kids in the Hall squish heads game on Messenger gifs oh what fun it is to sit and squish heads from a distance oh my Too Too Funny!


Three speed related car accidents in two days. And three innocent pedestrians killed. I’m angry.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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