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How come so many people think they can read other peoples minds? I find it mildly amusing when I hear someone tell me something about what I'm thinking.... because I'm a simple guy. But the reality is, it speaks more about the mind reader because they're the one's thinking it and masking it with: "he think's he's so...." when let's face, they can't read minds...


Of all of the equinoxes etc, this hour of so called "Daylight Savings" that gets dropped from time is the most mysterious. What actually happens during that hour that is either "sprung forward" or fallen back I wonder?

Relationship WTH is going on??

I have a husband that is in all ways amazing. I have zero negative things to say about him. He is caring, kind, loves cats, loves and looks out for me, is wonderful in bed, he helps old people, and is good to his friends and family and strangers, he is good with money, clean and tidy, helps around the house, makes a decent living, he's tall, lots of hair and very attractive. BUT why is it that almost every other man that my friends are in relationships with are totally fucked up (according to them) why is it that I don't hear anyone say the things above about their husbands/boyfriends as I about mine. Is it really that bad out there?

Legal pyramid scheme

The lower mainland real estate industry is a legal pyramid scheme. Just like the illegal version, new money needs to constantly be entered into the system to allow the people at the top to cash out. Whether the money is foreign or domestic, the money needs to keep flowing to keep the pyramid propped up. Since there are very few other legal ways of making such a large amount of cash in such a short period of time, it's no wonder so many people here are addicted to the housing market. However, like any pyramid scheme it could all come crashing down one day and the people left holding the empty bag will suffer real hardship and pain.

Moody pot smokers

Virtually every heavy pot smoker I have ever met always swears that there are no drawbacks or harmful side effects from smoking pot. However, virtually all of them are moody and unstable to the point where they are impossible to be around.

Every time I see you

I know we haven't talked in many years, but I see you all the time. I saw you working as a ticket agent in Malaysia, as a flight attendant, as a waitress in Latvia and also in Mexico. You definitely get around. I've run into you so many times and I always panic and lose the ability to breathe until I realize you are not you, and just someone that briefly looked exactly like you.

It's high time

That CBC radio puts some kind of fiction shows on during the daytime. Maybe a kind of soap opera thing or serialized suspense. They used to have a cute little vignette show called "Chez Gatusos" (or something close to that name) set in Granville Island market and I used to look forward to hearing it. If we could have something fun like that on the stressful drive to and from work it would give us a break from the news tedium. It would also give local writers a chance to show their stuff (and maybe even make a living at it.) Come on CBC.... take a chance on a new format! Heck , even the Georgia Straight itself should take a look at it.

Too many sources to suit our views

I look up stats from a reliable source before I use them. I assume other people looked up their stats that they use to counter me. I suspect there are so many stats out there that none of them are right but all of them are valid. You can just find whatever stay works before your your argument.


Sharing my experience observing men being destructive (to both men and women!) is breaking up the party of whining about dating being hard and the adults complaining about their mom? You can still be bitter about not getting laid and feeling discounted by a parent while I confess how absolutely terrifying nearly all men are. Keep posting about Mommy and your lonely winkle and I'll keep posting about my experience.

The best

Wow, men are the best. I've been hit by men, I've been raped by men. I've been threatened with murder by men. Now I'm being silenced by men. I'm not allowed here unless I praise the people who have proven to be dangerous. Wow, men are just so neat.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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