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Double standards

If you think it’s okay for you to give me advice, then you should also think it’s okay for me to give you advice. If that doesn’t work for you, then keep your critiques and advice to yourself, and I’ll do the same.

Office birthdays

Not a fan of these. I don’t want to be tasked to go buy and bring a cake and have birthday card signed and desk decorated to make Employee feel special. The Employee makes errors all the time, doesn’t show up and never responds to emails unless prompted. So why are they made to feel special and deserving of attention?

I feel their heartbreak

But what they miss isn't me. They miss how I made them feel loved. When they understand how and why this is vastly different, they will understand how I know they have no love for anyone but themselves. I understand, though. It's to compensate for the love they never truly felt growing up, where all love was conditional.

My lizard looks like a zucchini

It is probably about 30 years old though. It was passed down to me from a family friend. I put vitamins on the crickets that it eats and it continues to live and be healthy, but it doesn't stop it from looking old. I have started to feed it chicken to make things slightly more varied in the diet of the lizard. I have setup a chicken-coup to ensure fresh food is available for it. Again, I sprinkle vitamins on the chicken to ensure that the lizard is well fed and has all of its nutrition needs met.

To find happier times

I watch hippie folk music on YouTube. None of that news shit or new age YouTube channel loser stuff. People who follow YouTube channels are channeling their inner-loser.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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