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I can see clearly now

It’s funny how quickly you can see the reality of a person when you grow a backbone. Standing up for yourself and not playing the game anymore, and they’re so shocked! The voice rose about 3 octaves when they realized I wasn’t kidding and no, I’m not going along with what they wanted. If it wasn’t so annoying and a little sad it would be entertaining.

Wahe Guru

Been thinking about a good friend that lives on Saturna. Hope she's doing well. We see each other sometimes when she comes into the City. It's been a while. Think I'll give her a buzz to see if she'd like to catch up sometime. Hare Krishna, my dear friend!

This one time

I was at a friend's place. We both smoked lots of dank, got high and cuddled together. She asked me point blank if I've ever had my toenails painted. I told her I didn't. She painted them pink anyway. Good times!

Those delivery guys

Where are the police to enforce the "no cycling on sidewalks" bylaw? Them & those scooters. NO, you do NOT get to tell me to move, ring your bell or ask me to get out of the way. The sidewalk is for pedestrians. Get on the damn road or walk your vehicle, but I swear I will thrust you back into traffic if you continue to think your misguided entitlement is valid. This is Vancouver and we have laws and rules for a reason. Learn them.

Everybody gets old; your time WILL come

Every generation does this. Be dismissive of anyone they consider "old", discount their opinions, try to slience their voices, ignore them in social situations, pass judgement with easy ageism because you have years to go, right? Well, think about karma, it's coming directly for you and based on the way you act , I feel sorry for nearly all of you. Ahahahahahahaha.

To all the Vancouver men who have difficulty dating....

It's because you are unattractive creeps who are unshaven & don't know how to brush your teeth...that's why I plan to move to another city perhaps Montreal or Las Vegas or Miami or somewhere in Florida where the men are attractive & not creepy....yours truly a women sick of creeps & homeless looking people.

I confess

I think the new moderators of this forum are participating in the discussion instead of just moderating what gets posted. I also suspect this won’t get posted : )

So lonely

that my body aches. Tightness in my chest and upset tummy. Would love to just talk to someone. I don't even have to talk. You talk, and I'll listen.

It's a Metaphor

I climb lotsa mountains, but what I really want is to be on her mountains. Know what I'm saying? Wait'll you hear about my cave spelunking.

Wait, what, who cares?

Oh no, the government tax people who've spent the last year harassing low income people for pandemic benefits are on strike... whatever will we do? I hope there is a quick end to this monstrosity so I can go back to getting collection agency letters, wage garnishments and non stop phone calls. lol.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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