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the person i'm with seems to think i won't notice that they've searched certain women's instagram accounts and liked specific photos DAYS after they were posted. after all i've been through the past few days and after all i've done for this person and their family - all i want to say is FUCK YOU.

Just being honest

On the outside you might think I have it together, but I really don't. I am broke and owe a member of my family a lot of money. I am single and lonely. I hate the way I look. I am secretly jealous of several of my friends. I think about my ex every day. He dumped me over a year ago and it still messes with my self-esteem. I made a bad choice to take a job this year and regret it daily. I keep moving every couples of years and nowhere feels like the right place to live...pretty lost in life. Sorry to be a complainer. I know many people out there have it worse, but I think the holidays are making me feel more sorry for myself than usual. Looking at the barrage of facebook and instagram posts by friends don't help much either. I really hope 2018 will be better for everyone out there that is also in need of a change. Love and light.

If you do not like Duck Hunt, I will not date you.

I was going to message a girl on OkCupid about an 80s TV in a museum on her profile, and ask her why they didn't hook up a Nintendo with Duck Hunt, but then I realized that she is probably ultra-vegan conservative. So, I didn't message her in the end. No fun PC world :(

wow. just wow.

I met a guy who had actually had his license suspended from getting caught repetitively distracted driving with his phone. I was pretty flabergasted at his accomplishment because I've never seen one of those people even get pulled over. So there must be some enforcement going on out there somewhere, I just can't see it in my daily reality.

That Which Doesn't Kill Us

I want to thank my last partner for leaving me - It's given me the opportunity to become myself completely.

I finally understand

I used to think New Years resolutions were stupid. That the change of calendar year wasn't a big deal. If you want to change, then change now, not sometime later in the future. However, this year, something in life broke my heart in a way I've never felt. Not a relationship, not something petty, something I held dear. All I've wanted since September is for the calendar to change to 2018 so that I can say that it happened in 2017. And my heartbreak isn't nearly what other have faced. I certainly get that too. Even if it's simply a piece of mind, it's something that I need. It seems silly that the change of a calendar means anything, but I finally understand why some people need the calendar to flip. Peace to everyone and I'm thankful for 2018, may it be the best one yet.

Subjective Objectification

I was raised to not objectify women by feminists. My poor child-brain couldn't understand why, for example - at a broadway musical, or some Disney thing, everyone's dressed in skin-tight clothing. Is it supposed to be sexy, but you're not supposed to look? Do the womeon dressing scantily for their entertainment jobs want to be looked at in that way after all even though it's considered morally wrong? Do they just do it for the money? I'm still confused about what society wants us to believe.

I wish I was born in a hot country

Then I could live there and not here. I love clothes and I am always just bundled up in sweaters because I'm freezing. It sucks.


I literally can't visit my Mum when hockey is on. My Dad won't let us talk. He just sits there yelling at the TV and demanding that she watch every second. He'll even rewind it if he thinks she missed something. It's excruciating.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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