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Gone off the deep end...

I'm having a hard time breaking away from these bad habits. Prescription meds, alcohol, along with the company. I haven't been thinking straight and it's taking a toll on me. Pressures of life is too much and confusing, sometimes I'm not even sure if I'm gonna wake up the next day cause I'm so waisted.

why didn't

Kathleen Wynne listen to the right voices when she privatized Ontario Hydro? There was no need for it and the decision was wrong. It was just plain pigheadedness to do what she did, and it cost her her job ( maybe she wanted out anyways... it's a really tough job being Premier of ANY Province) Every Governing Authority, no matter what level and no matter where in the world, has regretted privatizing essential services When you do that the carpetbaggers empty the till before you know what's happened.


Still miss your embrace Warmth melting my heart For you, my soul aches.

My last confession

Was a story how I fell in love and was dumped by text without any reason. Just a 3 words..."have a nice life" Well guess what horrible ex bf. I AM having an amazing life and I finally met a real man who doesn't run when shit gets tough, doesn't criticize me when he's insecure and treats me like a goddess. To the 30+ single Vancouverites that have completely given up on love offline or took for EVER but it happened. There ARE great people out there, you just have to be patient.

I Need Help

I have over $100,000 of student loan debt and $8600 of credit card debt. I always pay the minimum payments. I just feel like I got this giant anchor on my life because of this debt and I can't go forward because I want to buy a house and have a family in the future.

Most of the time being single ROCKS.

But wow life is difficult lately. When I had my live-in partners I didn't have to worry about poverty and being homeless. The companionship would be nice at a time like this too.

using marijuana medicinally as opposed to recreationally

I guess I am quite old for a marijuana smoker, aged 55+ now, and I have been smoking since age 13 but not regularly until approximately age 23. At that age, after taking plenty of breaks from marijuana use, I used continuously for several years and then quit for 20. My confession is this: that I believe that most marijuana use is actually medicinal and that pure recreational use, while it is somewhat useful and pleasant, does not by far merit as much attention and support as medicinal use, by an individual. The reason that I say that is a lifelong experience using marijuana has led me to believe that medicinal use has less negative side effects overall because the person is using the marijuana to either help diminish or decrease pain nausea headaches etc and recreational use may or may not be beneficial depending on the individual. Medical use of marijuana can achieve what pills have not achieved and cannot achieve which is temporary relief of symptoms without long term side effects. Method of using it can vary, but most people who use it can be said to benefit from careful use for mental health and minor symptoms. Some say it cures cancer but I cannot yet be convinced. Seizures, it is invaluable, maybe other illnesses too.

I think I know how to solve the affordability crisis in Vancouver

"130,053 international students with a study permit attended public and private post-secondary institutions and K-12 schools in B.C. in 2015, up 44% from 90,037 in 2010." We could cut 50,000 of them and see how things go. We could also cut administrators from universities that are not necessary to halve tuition costs. The reason why we have foreign students is to keep our bloated universities running. Let's make them less bloated! :) I know... contentious, but I think it would easily work.

Kinda GRapY

The gray zone. Was it rape or was it not? Definitely been taken advantage of. Definitely had me voice silenced. Definitely took the brunt of it without being asked.

What is Trudeau doing?!

When you have to deal with a egomaniac like Trump you have to be very careful...Our economy is fragile enough without an all out trade war with the United States!


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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