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I cry

Every time I see a homeless person, I am sensitive to it.

Manic Depressive Mother

I have never met anyone who has suffered as much as my mom with manic depression. I buried a father and a sister from overdose in 2016. They all had childhood trauma. They all .. suffer. My mother is the biggest pain in my ass. I have never met someone so STRONG as her. Through her life... she has never taken meds. I love her so.. i feel so much saddness.. replaced with. .. To all those who have the illness.. any mental illness Know you inspire ♡ Light.up the world. Love you Mom. ♡ Till the END


I used to go to this trauma group. At the beginning and end of every session, we'd go around and do a check-in which included rating how safe we felt on a scale of 1-10. Other people's numbers were always higher than mine. I've little idea what most of these people had been through in life, since we didn't talk about that. I know at least one person was a refugee. Another was a residential school survivor. Why were they all capable of feeling more safe in the world than I am?


... i’m So sleepy that when I just tried to pull up the blanket, my hand stopped gripping it and I let go ... punching myself in the face. Just thought you’d like to know.

Wholesome family next door

My new neighbors seem to be out of a 1980s family sitcom. They are very nice people from what I can tell. Young, hard working, optimistic...all of that. They have friends over frequently on the weekends, are quite polite, sociable and their adorable kids run around in the backyard freely( which is awesome because most of my friends kids are obese and high on the i-pad experience). They seem to be your typical, western, middle class family who, on long weekends, like to have a beer or two and play scrabble. My confession is, ever since they moved in, I loathe the fact that I have to walk to the nearest highschool to smoke my glorious joints that I am so good at making. I do this because I don't want their kids to ask their parents, "hey, what's that smell coming over there from the other side of the fence, mommy?". To avoid an awkward conversation, I have taken the liberty every Sunday Night, otherwise known as sweet cheeba night, to walk a few blocks and get ripped. I feel like I'm back in highschool. I'm acting all paranoid, expecting cops to jump out of bushes and empty my backpack filled with Bacardi or sum shiet. It's super unsettling. Everytime I get paranoid it reminds me of the Vancouver symphony of fire circa 1999 when an overzealous cop emptied my two liter Pepsi bottle filled with booze I had begged my older brother to buy for me. The cop literally manifested from vapor and the next thing you know I'm going " pleaaaase...sir....not my boooozeee.". So what I'm trying to say is, I feel like a juvenile delinquent living next to these people (only on Sunday nights), and I wish I could freely smoke as many joints as I wanted to on that special day of the week in the comfort of my own area/yard. I miss smoking phatties in my backyard, for fear of upsetting the Brady bunch next door.

Gone off the deep end...

I'm having a hard time breaking away from these bad habits. Prescription meds, alcohol, along with the company. I haven't been thinking straight and it's taking a toll on me. Pressures of life is too much and confusing, sometimes I'm not even sure if I'm gonna wake up the next day cause I'm so waisted.

why didn't

Kathleen Wynne listen to the right voices when she privatized Ontario Hydro? There was no need for it and the decision was wrong. It was just plain pigheadedness to do what she did, and it cost her her job ( maybe she wanted out anyways... it's a really tough job being Premier of ANY Province) Every Governing Authority, no matter what level and no matter where in the world, has regretted privatizing essential services When you do that the carpetbaggers empty the till before you know what's happened.


Still miss your embrace Warmth melting my heart For you, my soul aches.

My last confession

Was a story how I fell in love and was dumped by text without any reason. Just a 3 words..."have a nice life" Well guess what horrible ex bf. I AM having an amazing life and I finally met a real man who doesn't run when shit gets tough, doesn't criticize me when he's insecure and treats me like a goddess. To the 30+ single Vancouverites that have completely given up on love offline or took for EVER but it happened. There ARE great people out there, you just have to be patient.

I Need Help

I have over $100,000 of student loan debt and $8600 of credit card debt. I always pay the minimum payments. I just feel like I got this giant anchor on my life because of this debt and I can't go forward because I want to buy a house and have a family in the future.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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