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Woman who asked me out

A lot of the time I say no. The reason isn't important. If I am not feeling it, then that's just simply the case. There is no reason to hold it against me and ostracize me socially. Unfortunately, I roll in a small Vancouver scene and this has happened multiple times and has ruined my reputation. Women must be familiar with these dynamics, as it's no fault of their own when they reject men. Yet, in small... particularly the left-wing circle I am in, it's considered a thought-crime of some sort and now I am being slandered beyond belief. Guess what, left-wing beef-cakettes? I don't have to date you. There's nothing you can do about it. Please lower your expectations.

Don’t feel strong

So much loss and I’m feeling weak. I said goodbye to someone that I didn’t want to lose but knew that I had to. At the time I felt strong but now I don’t. I just miss them so f’ing much and it’s taking everything I’ve got to not pick up the phone and beg them to come back. But I resolved that I was never going to chase someone again no matter what and I’m trying to remind myself of why I said goodbye in the first place. I do believe that what’s meant for us will find us somehow but I wish it would hurry up because this loneliness is killing me. I miss hugs most of all.

Full circle

I was reluctantly added into a group chat. All of the personalities are very “self” rather than “group” oriented, which is why I was not exactly thrilled to be added. It turns out I inadvertently “left the chat” when I deleted the app to make room on my phone for more creative apps like video production. And while I was gone, the whole group chat imploded, as I knew it would: backstabbing, selfish inconsiderate behaviour, factions and sides being pitted against the other sides. This was the antithesis of group chat rules. Now these members are not speaking to each other and seethe when one appears in social media photos with the opposing side. So grateful to continue flying solo!


I confess that I’m an imperfect person. I have made mistakes, I’ve been mean sometimes, I’ve lied sometimes, and I’ve been selfish sometimes. But I don’t think I’m unusual because everyone I know is imperfect too. So I cut people slack. I give them grace. I forgive the people who didn’t mean to harm me and who tried their best. Including my parents who definitely made some serious mistakes and caused me some trauma as a result. I know they loved me and I know that they didn’t realize how much harm they caused, so I don’t hold onto anger because of it anymore. I made my peace with it, and realize that it’s up to me now to deal with my own issues. This trend of people cutting someone out of their life has gotten out of hand I think, because it seems like young people have some very unrealistic expectations of others. It’s like they think that unless someone conforms to some rigid standard of perfection they’re not worth keeping. It’s sad.


About 5 years ago I had a one night stand with this guy I met at a club and I got pregnant. Turns out he was a good guy with his own house and wanted to be a father. We had a beautiful baby boy and later got married. We now have 2 kids and a great life. Sometimes a mistake can work out in unexpected ways.

Winter solstice reflections

In a world driven by commodification, distraction, and desperate pleas for attention, it is super hot to find a person who is selective about how they spend their time and energy, can make conscious decisions about what serves them and what doesn’t, and can take accountability for themselves and their choices. Is this you? If so, I hope we cross paths in 2024.

Banking in person is ridiculous

Everyone can hear your conversations. People are asking for rolls of loonies while others are asking for housing financing. Crazy ass teller world. People who speak softly are the only ones who get any privacy.


I went to a staff Christmas party this weekend, maybe only my second or third ever. Not usually my style. I got kissed by more people in one night than I had in the last few years. I got kissed by someone I had a crush on for forever. Was over before I could freak out. And was squished in the middle of a whole lot of wholesome affection throughout the weekend. Single, social and suddenly full of Christmas cheer.

I miss my best friend

We were friends almost 20 years ,or so I thought. Things kinda got a little complicated. Now we don't talk at all. Partially my fault I did say I had enough and was walking away but I didn't really mean it. I was upset because it felt like he was leaving me behind and honestly never cared at all and it hurt. I doubt he will ever see this or care but I love and miss him dearly. And not having my best friend is honestly killing me.

Would you do it?

If you knew for sure that the person you were with was only with you because they couldn’t be with the person they really wanted to be with, would you still do it? Like if you were in love with them and you really wanted to be with them? My friend is in this situation and she’s basically trying to ignore the obvious (at least to the rest of us) and we hate watching her do this. She’s so in love and it’s like she’s just pretending that it’s normal when we all know he’s only with her because the woman he wanted he can’t have. I tried to talk to her about it and she just said she doesn’t care because all that matters is being with him and she thinks in time he’s going to fall in love with her and forget about the other woman. I don’t think i could do it because I would always know I was the runner up. I want to be someone’s first choice.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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