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Doesn't Count

Being able to take a lot of drugs is NOT a superpower.

Mind Blown

Everywhere I've gone since the smoke cleared, the cyclists have been walking their bikes on there sidewalks like rational human beings. It's like they all figured it out that they were being asswipes at the same time and wised up or something. Mind Blown.

I wonder

..if inviting a Unicorn into my relationship will save my marriage from a husband with a wandering eye..

In Tents

Sounds like everyone at my company is getting laid off. I guess I can always pitch my tent in the park along with everyone else...

Frau Trizia

I married a cheater. I know because he left the woman he was with to be with me. I have taken him back again. Sold our home and relocated. But will I ever really be able to trust him again? Will counselling actually help? Will starting over in a new city actually help? What happens when the distraction of the new puppy wears off? Will he wander once again. What happens in 10 years when the kids are grown and he has more freedom in his days? Will he just ditch me then for a younger model?

Falling apart

I confess that I'm falling apart. In so many ways. Not sure which came first, the long-term emotionally abusive relationship, or the sequential breakdown of my physical body that has resulted in job loss. I'm ready to call it quits completely, because I can no longer see that light at the end of the tunnel. I just started crying on the phone to my doctor's office, after being told yet again that I'm not enough of a priority to get a necessary surgery that I've needed for 2 years. Thanks immigration policy! Our medical system is so screwed and overcrowded now that someone like me who has contributed my premiums for decades, can't get in when I really need it. I'm severely anemic and completely exhausted. I look like s*** because I've got a giant lump growing in my insides (not cancer but it's growing) that makes me look like I've gained 50 pounds. I'm too tired to do anything. The guy I love with all my heart turned out to be a total narcissist, who was only using me for a very, very long time. As soon as I called him out on it, I was promptly discarded for someone much younger and dumber (Or just as dumb I should say; after all, I tolerated it for all that time thinking that it would somehow miraculously improve.) I'm coping with the worst heartbreak I've ever felt, at an age where my options for ever finding love again are extremely slim. I have another serious medical issue that resulted in the complete loss of my career, and at my age the thought of trying to find a new career when you need physical accommodations due to disability, is depressing as hell. No one is going to hire someone over 60 who is disabled from everything they've ever done before so has to learn something completely new. I'm so fed up with people telling me to "think positively!" "come up with something new!", and all those other platitudes. Unless you've actually experienced this, you just can't know how totally exhausting it is, and if I had the energy to devote to trying to recreate myself for the umpteenth time, then I wouldn't be in this mess in the first place. It's all I can do right now just to get up, let alone all the rest. Anyway, thanks for listening to my tale of woe. I'm sure I'll feel better soon. At least that's what I'm told......

My life

Husband made over a 100 grand well we were on vacation but I can’t tell any of my friends cause most don’t make that in a year.


Worst 2 days on Facebook- Halloween and first day of school.

Dead friends benches

I go past park benches ar Kits beach all the time. My father in law and an old hockey pal of mine have benches there in their memory. I love it when people atre sitting on their benches. I always stop to tell them about these incredible guys and how proud they would be to know someone is using their bench to look out at the gorgeous view. Everyone has been thankful to hear about these guys. I am sure there are thousands more stories and I would love to hear them when I am sitting on someone’s bench.

The Great War

I don't even remember what we fighting over when they finally decided to move out. I think we were just tired of fighting.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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