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I have never been faithful to any woman. I have lived almost 70 years. When I look back on my life, I sometimes think that I should regret my behaviour, but then I remember all the fun that I had being what to many people would be a cheating piece of shit. I really do not regret it.

Why the lack of shame?

When I ride on transit, I often see people failing to pay the fare. To me, it is theft from the public purse. It does not seem to perturb the thieves. They do not appear ashamed to be stealing. Have public morés changed so much? I wonder if they know that they are committing fraud; that it is a criminal offence under section 393(3) of the Criminal Code.

Social media?

There's nothing social about it....a bunch of people we follow or "like" or are "friends" with that we never met or will ever meet. We know nothing about them even though they may seem nice, it's just an internet thing to give a false sense of who people are & if we get only 1 or 2 or 3 "likes" it makes us feel like shit & it preys on those with very low self-esteem.

Boy moms

I’m a girl mom, who was also the only girl in a family of boys. I had lots of drama while raising my daughters, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything because they’re amazing and they are the loves of my life. I can’t tell you how revealing it is to watch the mothers of boys who also have daughters treat their sons WAY differently (ie, far more lenient, more loving) than they do their girls. It’s so sad! To see the overt favouring of sons over daughters. Seeing how much damage is perpetrated on those girls who have to watch their parents devote so much time, energy, and love to their sons, while their daughters are left to fend for themselves and feel somehow unworthy of love because of it. To watch these stupid viral videos of women lamenting the loss of their sons who grew up and moved away from them, as if those children were their lovers! Talking about their sons “breaking up” with them! Gross! As much as I hate to admit it, I can clearly see that a whole lot of the problems we have as women is entirely due to the way we treat the boys in our lives compared to how we treat our daughters. We need to do so much better!

I love my dog

My dog loves to cuddle with me and occasionally I let a big fart go. It makes him jump and he looks confused like WTF? It makes me smile every time.

Money really is the root of all evil

The more sick people you have the more money to be made. The more mass consumption you have the more money to be made. The more people in prison the more money to be made and stocks dividends you have in your pocket. These are just a few examples of pure evil. A system designed to keep people enslaved and controlled while the very few profit off of others misfortunes and needs. Money really is the root of all evil.


I’m so fed up with being underestimated by men because I’m a woman. Since birth, from my brothers and father to my various partners and all the men I’ve encountered throughout my life everywhere. The automatic assumption that they know better just because they’re male is so tedious! Being mansplained and condescended to, being talked over, subjected to overt sexism including groping in business situations, and having men take credit for my accomplishments. Having men act like complete jerks because I’m their boss or in any position of authority. Being passed over for promotions and learning that I’m being paid far less than some young guy they just hired to do a less responsible role, and then the additional insult of being expected to teach him what to do! Being told as a girl that I should never run faster or jump higher than a boy because they might get upset. Being told by random strangers that I should be smiling, or having the same random men tell me what they think about my appearance. Having my family ignore me and any of my accomplishments because it would upset my brothers, while glorifying everything they did no matter how poorly they did it. All of it. I’m just DONE. I will not “calm down”, pretend to be less than, or worry about protecting your damned egos anymore. Just STOP underestimating me and treat me as the competent person that I am. You’ll find me so much easier to get along with if you give me the same level of respect that you expect me to give to you.

oh, I get it now

It took a calendar to see the connection, the timing. He's thinking about me all over again, trying to get my attention by bating me into responding because he wants fuel for Valentine's Day so he can think about what excites him, and transfer that to his existing relationship. I see what's going on; I'm his mental viagra, once again a "use" where the only consideration he has is for himself by attempting to stir feelings for his benefit. It doesn't matter whether jerking me around hurts as long as he gets the attention he desires. My feelings don't matter, they never have. I can't believe how I was almost fooled again. Ugh, straight guys who hit on gay guys because they don't get attention from their girlfriends or wives are gross. They are the worst, the scummiest. Look, you chose to stay married to a woman instead. You made that choice to shelve your integrity for some creature comforts and a role requiring conformity so your life would be easy. My kind do the hard living in being out. That makes us an easy option for a good time, but not all of us are interested in sharing our hard-won existence to people like you who make it harder for us in society by living a lie. My love is not a timeshare. I don't do part-time when it comes to matters of the heart. Also, I give my attention to those who are serious, not those thirsty for filling a fantasy that sustains them so they can get by in a marriage pf convenience. There must be a dozen men who like to fulfill your personal needs of playing second fiddle by being a dirty little secret. Go find them. Find someone else who welcomes being used. Your situation is not my scene. Really, stop thinking about me. Move on already. I'm not interested and I'll never be. I deserve and welcome love, not the garbage you peddle. I quit.

Totally shocked

I saw my doctor in his office in the examination room & as he was smoking a cigarette in the room he said "Mr Winston, we need to talk about your lifestyle"

Constantly amazed…

…at the overwhelming stupidity of so many pedestrians and drivers in this city. I just can’t keep my jaw off the floor as I’m driving or walking around. Pedestrians who appear to be totally oblivious of their surroundings, or they’re so entitled that they just assume all cars will stop regardless of whether they have the right of way or not. I almost hit some dumbass woman today who jaywalked across Broadway, causing me to have to slam on my brakes. Drivers running red lights and speeding at outrageous speeds through narrow neighbourhoods, not understanding how roundabouts work at all, you name it. How these people even get a license in the first place is beyond my comprehension. For Christ’s sake people, wake the hell up, get your heads out of your arses, and pay attention! We’re all in this together, whether we’re driving or walking or cycling, but the pedestrians and cyclists are the ones who are going to pay the highest price for all of it at the end of the day.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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