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hopelessly confused

I have had gender issues all my life. I am giving up on trying to be a man. I look like a man but online I get read as a woman even when I put male in my info. I've had people call me ma'am on the phone and to my face. First world problem I know, but agonizingly painful to me.

Hippy dippy

For a long time around my group of friends I didn’t really open up about my spirituality and all the hippie dippy stuff I was into - I knew they were not into it & I didn’t wanto be made fun of. well now I’m opening up & the ridicule has begun - snide comments, jokes, mocking judgment whenever I mention things that I’m really into (that are abit out there)...We all have a past together but to be quite honest I would be happy seeing these people less and less. Being mocked for things that are so close to my heart doesn’t feel good.

Bus stop trash dumping

What's with all you morons who seem to think it's cool to use the various bus stops around town as a place to leave your effing fast food trash etc. lying around. Disgusting and I'm sick of it. Stop already! Take it with you. And... don't leave it on the bus either.

laundry detergent smells

Am I the only person who can't stand the smell of so many laundry detergents? I have to keep my windows and doors closed on nice days to keep my neighbours' detergent smells out of my house. And I often get nauseous on bus rides because the smell of other peoples clothes & perfume is so overwhelming. How can people stand smelling that way? It smells nearly as toxic as gas fumes to me. Am I the only one?

car2go anxiety

Smart cars scare me. When I drive one downhill, it feels like it can just tip over and start cartwheeling down the street. Same with coming to a stop - seems like a sharp break would be enough for the little thing to loose balance.

I love dogs too.....

But that doesn’t mean that the dog should be the most important being in the room. My dog was incredibly special to me and I miss him every day. We shared so many wonderful years of adventures together. However, I didn’t place his happiness and his comfort above that of all of the people in my life. He was important but so are they. If you really can’t understand that placing your dog above everyone and everything else in your life isn’t either healthy or sustainable, then you’ve got a lot more problems than I thought. You’re going to wind up completely alone, and when your dog dies in a few years, that’s when your poor choices are really going to hit home. I truly wanted to be your friend, but I’m not okay with having your dog dominate absolutely every minute of our time together. Even when he’s not there for a couple of hours you’re either talking about him or you’re cutting short our outing to rush back to him. Get. A. Grip.

I deserved it.

I think. I have never been ghosted before but maybe I brought this on, I'm not sure. If he reads these, he knows who is writing this, but I don't think he does. I recently reconnected with an old flame (much older guy, artist, bachelor, childless, as he has been for a while) and it was like no time had passed. We seemed to jump into things again almost immediately, and I had been suffering from great depression and loneliness after a long-term relationship breakup earlier this year did my head in. I actually reached out to HIM after two years because I remembered what great friends we had been underneath it all, and I needed some help. He was there for me, to listen. It was a relief having him back, just like no time had passed. Within a few meetings we got physical again, he was telling me he loved me ("Really.? After not speaking for so long?" I thought), and making plans for things we were going to do. Two lonesome souls reunited, I guess. And I was very happy. The key factor was his performance anxiety about sex, which I was very encouraging and patient about. He finally got some Cialis, the night was planned, and he took some but chose to do nothing--no effort at all. It made me feel lousy about myself. I decided that perhaps just being friends was best for now, because this was causing a lot of strain on us. He agreed. And we were the best of friends. The last time we spoke on the phone, it was for four hours, I told him I did love him and he made me happy. The next day we were out, and he was in a sullen, sulky mood because of finances or something (he's poor but I didn't care about this). He finally just said he wanted to go home, and I went postal; he's demonstrated inconsistency and moodiness before, but we had lots of plans and he preferred to just go home and sulk. I really got angry. Another incident of feeling lousy about myself. I'm still raw from my last breakup, and I really lashed out at him. Since then there hasn't been one phone call returned, one email, one text message. We had even exchanged keys, and when I asked for mine back, I got them via registered mail with not even a note, not even a "fuck you, crazy lady." I am back in a total funk again, having abruptly had a flare-up of happiness and friendship, and now being utterly ghosted by a man who is old enough to know better. I went from being told I was loved and he was in it for the long haul, and after this he vanished. I don't know. I guess I need to join Scientology and tame my reactive mind.

I think

They should have TWO funerals for celebrities and politicians who have passed away One for all the lies and phony tributes and the other where people actually tell the truth. you'd sure sell a lot of newspapers if that happened.

This forum

You will drive yourself crazy if you take it seriously or read too much into it


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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