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I miss craigslist

Craigslist was the only way I ever got laid. Tinder sucks. Bumble sucks. Plenty of fish. Ok Cupid. Hinge. Happn. Badoo. They all suck. I’m not attractive enough to get matches and the rare time I do, they Neve wanna meet up. We can talk for days, hours on end. But they never wanna meet up. Craigslist took out the games. It was a cesspool and there were bots and scammers and fakes. But I also met so many amazing girls on there. Had tons of sex. Tons of dates. Amazing conversations. Tried more things than I ever thought I would because I was open minded and just went with the flow. Now it’s gone. And I’m lonely. And don’t have a site to waste time on anymore. I want a girlfriend but it’ll never happen. So I guess I’ll sit and twiddle my thumbs

Atonement time

A couple of months ago, I (as a pedestrian) had an altercation with an elderly gentleman in an automobile and me, slightly intoxicated, kicked his car in response to him trying to push me off the road with his car. I do believe I was in the right, but my act of violence was ill-advised. It's no good to blame my reptilian mind on this sudden act of rage; I think I need to take responsibility for my part in this. As I can't reach out to the man (I'm sure he'll not be reading this), I'm considering some volunteer time in public service. You know, add something positive to the city. I wasn't a victim then, and I'm not one now.

She is a catch

My best friend is a doctor and is drop dead gorgeous. Shes tall, thin, blonde with green eyes and has an amazing personality. You would think someone with these credentials would have no problem dating but she has told me time and time again that its really hard our there. She keeps saying all the acceptable men in her age bracket are taken. I think she just needs to try harder and not work so much. She needs to downplay her accomplishments and be more submissive. I just feel really bad for her because she deserves to be married and is such an unbelievable person.

Guilt and tipping

If I'm paying with a card and it suggests 15% 20% 25%!!! I'll pay 10% for assuming that 25% is reasonable. I once had a dispensary suggest a tip and never went back. I'm not dropping an extra 15 bucks when buying an already overpriced quarter of weed. Nonsense!

More Overdoses...

... and nobody cares about legalizing drugs. There is more media furor, and more legal protection, for "muh pronouns" than there is for drug users. We hear endless anecdotal reports about how we need these laws compelling "sensitive" speech, denying parental decisions about treatment of their own children, etc. all because we're told "trans kids/people will die" if we don't have them. Well, it sure does seem funny, because there's no real evidence suggesting that, but there is lots of evidence suggesting that the illicit drug supply is killing lots and lots of people. Oh, and automobiles, too. Ever wonder why the left-wing "safe space" brigade never does much about illicit drugs or speed limits?


When a guy is hung up on me I like to tell them I'm drawn to them, and then... when I see that glimmer of hope - reject them again!

Love what I do but hate the employer

I love my job but I hate my employer. Seriously they treat us like dirt and turnover is super high. The job itself and my coworkers are great! But management sucks balls. They play favorites and demand unpaid work all the time. Instead of hiring more people to fill staff shortages they just strongly urge us to work overtime or else were short staffed and don't really get breaks screwing the rest of our coworkers, you feel bad and come in. There is 0 work life balance and they don't understand why they can't find quality people.... just the tip of the iceberg of the crappy shit they do.

Summer plans

I'm a single, childfree woman in my 30s looking to meet interesting people to go out and do things with as many of my friends are partnered and doing their own thing. We rarely see each other. I'd love to always have fun plans like they do. I've done meetups, and a part of some groups, but many weekend meetups are far, fill up, or involve things like clubbing especially for weekends, and hiking etc.. I'm not into either, but still have tried. It's hard to meet good, quality, kind people with similar interests, let alone dating. I want to stay busy, and socialize so I don't feel so lonely, and have fun meeting interesting people. I've given up on dating (no idea how and where to meet people and online dating has been awful) and just want to enjoy my life. It sucks being single, but it's more frustrating trying so just gave up. I want to do things I enjoy, but am open to trying a number of things, but the events are often limited. I suck at playing sports (it's not pretty, no co-ordination), not religious so anything church related is out. Any suggestions and ideas would be appreciated.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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