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Goodbye Daddy

I cannot be your baby girl. I'm sorry Daddy, but the truth is, you only see me as a toy. I am a choice, not an option. I am not something to play with, but cherish. I'm just a joke to you. You need to search for a new baby girl. It ain't gonna be me!

Why no big tax breaks for arts?

Churches, many of which are nothing more than get-rich schemes for the leaders, get massive subsidies and tax breaks. Sports organizations also benefit from similar assistance. So where are the big subsidies and tax breaks for art studios? Why must artists scrounge for any space to work, when so many massive churches are mostly empty? This is a situation that needs to change to be a lot more equitable, especially for those of us who don’t subscribe to the organized religion dogma.

Furnishing choices

When I moved into my current tiny apartment over 7 years ago, I bought a full-sized couch even though it barely fit through the door and over-whelms the room. I wanted it to be long enough that most people would be able to sleep on it. Just in case a friend needed to. No-one has ever slept on it. Few have ever sat on it. I have realized that, when I bought it, I was fantasizing a future where I would inexplicably have more friends than I did and actually do and that those friends would actually want to socialize with me in real life and in initmate settings (like inside my apartment). On the plus side, I can always stretch out and it's good for napping.

Never been in a stable relationship

Mainly low self esteem & emotional problems hence on government disability especially because of the emotional problems I've had for many years.

It’s about damned time!

When will financial institutions start paying interest on our money again? It’s long overdue. We’re now paying huge amounts of interest to borrow money , but somehow the financial institutions don’t pay more than pennies on the money they have on deposits from us? We’re being completely ripped off as usual.

Finally doing it. Living my dream.

I've worked at a soulless tech job for the longest time. I decided that I want to live on a farm and live a fulfilling life. I have decided to open a free-range chicken and poultry farm with some room to grow a few vegetable crops. We will have a lot of chickens. Eggs will be abundant and I plan to see them like no other. It will be pretty rewarding to work an honest job again. The fresh eggs, meat, and vegetables will be pretty awesome too.

Just noticed

I've been watching a lot of movies lately, Comedies, Thrillers, Action, Sci-Fi, Documentaries. One thing they all have in common is everyone seems to have a home, even the serial killers, who are sick in the head have a place to call home. Maybe that's why I like watching movies . Home

"negatively obsessing"? Is there such a thing as positively obsessing?

Someone thinks I'm obsessed about them. Actually I'm obsessed about the truth. Both with hearing and speaking it. Hearing the things they assumed and why and telling them the things I assumed and why and then us telling each other what was really going on for us personally. Correcting the assumptions basically and learning stuff that will cause us to heal up and grow into better, wiser people.

Completely fabricated

I confess I am sick of reading about the term "excited delirium" when someone dies while being arrested by the police or in police custody. There is no such thing. This so-called determination of death was a label created by Taser International to explain the deaths of suspects when tasered and has no medical basis whatsoever.

Fuddy duddy

I reconnected with an old friend who I hadn’t seen in a few years. At first we laughed about old times and it was fun and I thought we would have fun again. But every time we see each other now I get more uncomfortable because he’s boring. He has become old in his mind. He looks fine and is still worried about how he looks, but he’s no fun anymore. He’s locked into a schedule like he has to be home every day in time to watch his shows and he has to eat at home every time because he never eats out at all anymore. He stopped eating anything that doesn’t fit into a rigid diet and he quit drinking alcohol completely even though he says it’s just because of calories because he won’t eat anything sweet and now believes that all sugar is poison. I know all about healthy eating and not drinking too much but I’m also not obsessed and I believe in balance in all things. It reminds me of that character on that friends show called no fun bobby who was only fun to be around when he was drinking. Too bad because I used to think he was a cool guy with lots of interests and ideas for doing new things but now he’s just a fuddy duddy old fart who never goes anywhere and eats dinner at 4 like he’s 90 instead of 70.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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