

Search confessions

Body vs mind and heart

As I grow older, I become far less focused on improving how I look and more focused on improving how I feel. This includes dealing with the aftermath of a lifetime of trauma of various types. My journey for the past few years has been a spiritual one in many ways, as I’ve learned to nourish myself with less demands for perfection, more acceptance of my physical flaws and limitations, and a lot more of doing absolutely nothing when I feel the need to rest. So I’m chubbier than I’d like to be and my space is a little messier and I’m not planning to spend my scarce funds on cosmetic procedures to capture some fleeting remains of youth. Instead I’m looking inward to the kind of person I want to be, and how I impact the people around me. I’m less judgmental and more kind than I was when I was young. So when I encounter people of my age (over 60) who only worry about their physical health and appearance and have done nothing to improve their mental health or otherwise grow as a person, I distance myself from them. We no longer are travelling on the same road.

TNI (triggering not intended)

I’m not really a Luddite as I have a smart phone and a tab But I love watching old movies & tv shows from the days before smart phones. People seemed more aware of their surroundings and more connected to each other.

Big up & Much Thanks

To the new Georgia Straight crew for keeping the Straight alive. The original newspaper and then this website is a cultural landmark and one of the few 'Free Press' from the 1960's Summer of Love era that is still alive. And for those who don't know it was hard work and an act of love. The Straight paper’s founder, Dan McLeod even went to jail for exercising free speech and pissing off some of the bully boyz in Vancouver's city council. And to the VPN pest who has accused the new Straight crew of making complementary posts about themselves. Know this. I the writer of this post is NOT a part of the Straight Crew. If there was a way to make a bet with you I'd put everything I've got on the line. So VPNer, please cease your mischief.

Bud light

Horrible beer and it seems they will do anything to get in the limelight. Why does it matter who drinks bud light ? Shame on people who would stop drinking a beer because of who is promoting it, stop drinking it cause it tastes like shit, the only reason to boycott it. LIVE and Let LIVE you dumbass people with nothing better to do. You know anyone who hates a person because of their sexual orientation is still in the closet but too afraid to come out and is jealous of anyone else with the courage to do so. My opinion ! It's 2023 Dumbass people grow the fuck up !

I want to appear in porn

I'm a 56 year old man I still live with my parents here in Vancouver and was never married and I want to make porn with hot woman but how do I do it?.should go meet women in a bar maybe?

I need to go poo right now

But I won't because if I hold it until tomorrow, it keeps the routine and structure of the bodily function. Not sure if doctors would recommend this though.

My friends and I no longer tip

We have had enough. We cannot afford anything. We work retail and don't get tips. Fu*@ everyone who thinks they can demand a tip for less service than I give at work. Good job smiling and making small-talk right before you take payment. I do that with every single customer regardless.

Paid for my time

I track my own hours as a work from home person. I’m paid for a set number of hours each day. Recently my boss has begun calling me to chat right as I’m finishing for the day, and these chats are work related. So I’m counting the time I’m spending on the phone with him as work hours because it’s usually at least 20 minutes to half an hour or more every time. He’ll ignore my repeated hints that I’m done for the day and nothing he’s talking about is so urgent that it couldn’t wait until the next day. Maybe he’ll figure out that he’s wasting his money as well as my time when he sees how much he’s paying for the chats.

Family dynamics

My dad‘s family has always been nothing but drama for as long as I can remember. A few years ago, his eldest brother suffered a brain stroke and got laid up in the hospital. He went into a coma and died two weeks later. While my uncle was in the hospital, my dad tried to call his nephew. He tried three times to get through but he wouldn’t answer his phone. I then found out from one of the relatives that apparently, that cousin of mine badmouthed us, and made it seem like we were nothing but heartless people and that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Absolutely erroneous. As much as I’m sorry he lost his father, it’s no excuse. I think he’s a very pained person since he expresses his pain the way he wants to. I honestly think my cousin is just downright bitter over some garbage that went on between both of our fathers, as well as the rest of our aunts and uncles all those years ago. They had issues that never got resolved. We all have we are cousin in our families. There’s quite a few in mine. One thing is for sure. I hope he finds peace.

Go fuck yourselves

Had to walk out of job last week as a result of a toxic work environment. They bullied me left and right and the union did nothing at all. I called them out and cussed them nicely. Another employee would’ve probably walked away with dignity just to quote unquote “save face.” Unless you want to lose, hard-working employees, start treating them with dignity compassion in the upmost respect. Respect is a two-way street. You can go fuck yourselves.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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