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Noise Problems

I live in this two bedroom basement suite in Vancouver and I work from home. My Landlord does their laundry at 11 am sometimes and it bothers me because I am working at this time. They refuse to work around my schedule. I have a roommate and she showers at 8 pm sometimes. She literally showers for half an hour and it wakes me up. I am in bed by 8 pm because I need to get up for work at 5 am. Her boyfriend sometimes sleeps over and I don't like it one bit because there is a man in the suite and I feel unsafe. My friends tell me not to complain because the rents only $1000 each with utilities included. Living like this as an adult in Vancouver is unbearable.


Addiction is a way of exiting the world, of removing your presence and (hopefully good) impact from the world. There comes a point where there's been an overload of hurt and disappointment. Living and thriving becomes untenable. Hiding in a dark corner numbed by your substance of choice is irresistibly appealing. I extend empathy and kindness across the satellites to anyone going through this.

I caught that.

Using someone’s loneliness against them. Is weaponizing friendship & connection. Not cool. Not ok. Not compassionate.


How can there be wildfires here in Canada when we all live in igloos?

Swedish girl here

I'm attractive looking 22 year Swedish girl new to Vancouver I got long blonde hair nice body but it's here to make friends here ..I would like friends age no matter or gender or race....why can't I make friends? I'm nice polite , smell pretty wear cute dresses I'm not ugly ..people say I'm sexy.....I don't care how you look or what you wear ..why can't I meet people here?


Where did the past ten years go? I'm almost 40. What the actual fuck! All the sexy women I knew are now married with kids, gaining weight and aging. My Botox is fading. Where's my hair? I'm married?!?

The Left / Right divide and bickering

leading our society towards great peril is unfortunately rearing it's ugly head in this Straight forum. If you scroll down to the bottom of this page and check the 'History' of the Straight you will see this newspaper started out as an anti-establishment free and enlightened media. This was at great personal risk and commitment of the the founding Straight crew who suffered police raids and the editor Dan McCleod even did a short stint in city jail. But although the Straight certainly took an anti-establishment stance, It did not take play the blame-game of petty politrickal know-it-al-ism. The right-wing conspiratoit haters now on this site need cool their jets. They help no one and they need first look in their own mind's eye to realize the Universal curriculum "First change yourself."

This Month,

almost 20 years ago I started driving cars with ATs. Today I realized that I was braking like I was still driving a manual transmission lol.

Spare me from “Life Coaches”

I am so sick of people professing to offer life coaching advice to others without having any actual credentials. Anyone these days can call themselves a life coach! Half of them are young people who don’t even have life experience let alone credentials. They have no formal education, they’ve attended a few seminars, gone on a yoga retreat or two, read some books or consulted some crystals. Then they put out ads purporting to offer life advice. I’m old and have lived a very eventful and full life, and I wouldn’t dream of suggesting to anyone else that they should pay me to tell them what to do. Every time I see something like this on my social media feed I cringe.


If all the compromises in a relationship are being made by one person, that’s a one sided situation and it rarely works. If one person dictates all of the parameters for how the relationship should be then someone is not getting their needs met and will be miserable. I don’t choose to be miserable anymore so I walk away from situations where I know it’s not going to end well. It’s not easy to do but staying is harder when you just feel empty and unfulfilled because you’re making all the compromises.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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