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Just keep talking

I work with someone who is very nice but she has an interesting habit that I've seen before and really can't stand. Anytime there is a problem that she's trying to sort out she likes to "talk it out". I'm all for this but my co-worker takes it to the next level. She goes through each possible outcome and talks at length about what could or couldn't happen. Most of the times all I'm saying is "Yes, no, oh maybe" and things like that. It's not that I don't like to help someone out, but most of the time she talks it out on her own and I'm just sitting there listening and having my time wasted. One of these days I'm just going to tell her to shut up.


I'm so sick and tired of the North American car fetish. Why can't we a trams and subways like Europe and Asia? If I dare say something to someone they react like I'm trying to take their child away from them. Their self-esteem is so wrapped up in the stuff that they own and it's really pathetic. Think of what you can do with the thousand and thousands you've ploughed into your car? More money and less stress. Can't we demand more from our city and ourselves?


Guess I'm a toxic male. It's really not that bad.

A Public Service Announcement

Please stop using the world toxic to describe everyone and anyone that doesn't share your opinions. Just because they can hold an adult conversation about the subject being discussed and doesn't hold your view on the topic doesn't make a person toxic. It's just such a knee jerk reaction from someone inflexible in their thinking. The overuse of the world is as embarrassing as using the word hipster for every person that doesn't conform to your tribe. The world isn't so black and white. Grow-up.

Queer Cannabis

I sometimes fantasize about the Straight just publishing an issue called "The Queer Cannabis Issue" because the words "queer" and "cannabis" are never not on the front cover.

Upside down

I will have to reread every book I had my face buried in when you were around because I hardly remember a damn word I read.

Different breed

If a guy ever tells you he's a "different breed" what he means is he has no qualms about making outrageous lies to your face and doesn't think twice about raw doggin' working girls

Working is like being stuck on a bus ride

I’m held captive and I don’t want to hear about your evening grocery shopping, your kids, your grey hair, what movie you’re seeing on Saturday and what you’re having for lunch. Shut the fuck up. I have my earbuds in 6 hours a day to block you out. Can I not have earbuds in for 2 hours a day without listening to your bullshit and giggling? Why don’t you work at the mall instead and fold clothes to the beat of too loud music?

Porno freaks/BDSM etc

Well in some ways we all seek to be tolerant of others, and in my opinion, whatever floats your boat go right ahead just leave me out of it please. Whatever sex you like to participate in or watch go right ahead it is your choice, however please also make an informed choice, because if you get yourself into some of these kinks you are going to require higher and higher and more intense amounts of stimulation over time to get satisfaction and orgasm, so try to think about that before you develop a nasty habit and also if you want to have a relationship with a woman or man that is somewhat healthy you had better make sure you are mutually compatible in this regard -- people need some self control these days. Sorry I cannot help myself just some heartfelt advice from an older person who can see that many people overindulge their fantasies to the point of no return ...

Elbowing people on the bus

I have to sit in the disability section and so the people who sit beside me are also similarly elderly and/or disabled. Some of them for no apparent reason love to stick their elbows into the person beside them as they rummage through their pockets and/or bags. They do not try to keep their arms close to their own body and they have very pointy sharp elbows. I think they do it on purpose.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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