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Job Applications

The number of additional hoops you have to go through these days are a load of crap: Resume; then a comprehensive questionnaire because recruiters and hiring managers don't actually read your resume; a cover letter which doesn't tell you shit about what the applicant is actually capable of as is relates to the job; a written assignment that most probably don't complete independently; and finally an interview. In my experience, despite all these hoops, you don't get the best candidate overall anyways. You end up firing them and maybe starting all over again. Or, worst still, keeping them because you can't admit to making a mistake, and destroying the team dynamic because everyone ends up covering for them or quitting. What was the point of all that? It just a bloody waste.

So, theres a housing crisis right?

So why does the retired manager of my bc housing building in gas town still occupying a market rent apartment at subsidised rent of $385/m when they own a house in Squamish? Just more of the same from bc housing. Corruption.

Ballers Be Ballin'

I recently wrote a post telling people that I was a multi-millionaire, who owned a mansion in Shaughnessy. Seems people thought that was a troll post. A TROLL POST?? Well, guess what Vancouver losers/whiners?? I'm a real baller who has all that and more! I'm The Sh*t, and if you can't handle that then maybe it's time you took a good HARD look at yourselves and make some positive changes to your sad, pitiful lives where you're scraping to get by. The meek WILL NOT inherit this country, and instead it'll be Alpha males like myself. Men who will not be merciful. We'll own every inch of every thing that you see and we'll make you pay through the goddamn nose just to walk OUR sidewalks and breathe OUR air. Peace!!

I feel for artists right now

It's a tough time to be living in a super expensive city making art. City art installations are barf though. Please admit that cities have been forcing us to pay taxes and spend it on horrible city art and we are powerless to change these corrupt jerk bureaucrats.

What if I told you...

That I'm a super genius and I built a quantum detonation device capable of destroying the universe and everyone and everything in existence at a flick of a switch and if anyone isn't nice to me everyone and everything is going to be destroyed. Would you all start being nice to everyone you encounter because you don't know if the person you're not being nice to is actually me?

Whatever happened to modesty and discretion?

Look, I'm all for people wanting recognition for their achievements in life. I've gotten to do some pretty cool things in life (visit Spain, get into a drag show for free - twice), and I'm not above sharing those stories to anyone who asks. Hell, I'm living somewhere I've wanted to live since I started my Bachelors, with an amazing person, working in my dream job, and I'm not above flexing about that. But if you feel the need to write to your local newspaper to complain about how you get millions of dollars for doing diddly squat, have two fancy ass cars, a mansion in the whitest neighbourhood in Vancouver, and a luxury condo in a place where the locals are being priced out of their own neighbourhoods? And yet no one is kissing your a$#? I'd say "save that s#!* for your therapist", but you clearly have yet to get one. So get a goddamn therapist. You clearly have the money for it.

I saw the obituary of a wonderful woman....

I saw the obituary of a wonderful woman. We were close in the early nineties. I asked her to marry me, many times. I gave her an amber necklace. She liked it so much that she would wear it around my home, with nothing else. Later, she moved to Vancouver and had a family. I am happy she enjoyed her life. If it wasn’t so wrong, I would like to ask her family for the amber necklace, if they still have it. It isn’t about the monetary value. I would be happy to pay the market value, and more, for what is irreplaceable.

When ppl ask how’s it going?

I respond “we’ll find out soon”…. I don’t want to say good, because currently life is the purest form of suffering imaginable. But I’m good thanks for asking.

Gender reveal fires

Is there a better metaphor for having a kid or what kind of parental decisions you're going to make. An incendiary device? Neither pregnancy or smoke in the air from forest fires are going to stop you from doing what you want and blowing shit up.

Body hair from full body shave in compost

I think you can put body hair in the compost, like from a hair cut or shaving, in other regions like Calgary. But in Vancouver, it is strictly forbidden for some reason. Why? That's very non-progressive. Calgary is ahead of us!


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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