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the crazyletter I faxed myself about us

but clrearly didnt write because I've got a college grace reading level and oddly sent to myself via fax three times though the tenor of the was a veiled threat to me... anyway finally found out where its from.... soooc weird guess I got a do something now... ugh I hatethat

that gut feeling

.... when the waiter comes with your receipt and you have no clue what to tip them. Hahaha, shit!

I'd dump me too

I hate how much I like you, what I'm putting you through, that I am mildly obsessed with you and interspersing it with someone else, that we've talked about it and you know as much as I can bear to tell anyone about my mental state, and how many other pressures you have in your life. you don't need this shit. Is this ever going to be a good, good relationship? possibly not with my delusions and trust issues. possibly not with your grouchy ways and drinking problem. plus, the 70 year age difference might send us through a time loop and our philosophies will never be on board. which I kinda like. but I swore, after my hay day, I swore I was done with seniors, until I'm ready to be one. DONE!

I watch Fox News but also read the Georgia Straight

Does this make me weird? I think my news information is varied, and I enjoy making up my mind after hearing both sides of the story. I just want to say that this does not mean that I am "far-right". But I am curious how left-inclined readers justify only left-leaning sources of information? Aren't they curious about challenging their views? The same can be said about right-leaning people.

Confidential to Vancouver drivers

Hey assholes! First off, share the fucking road and move over - there's enuf room for your precious beamer and my rust bucket next to a parking lane. Second, fucking wave when someone is courteous, Jesus H it's called being civil. Lastly, when you race up the right lane knowing you have to merge you're slowing us all down (I don't care if you're in a rush fuck off we all have places to be!) and you're being a fucking prick!! Yet I'm the jerk if I don't let you in?! You know full well what you're doing and so this is me publically saying the rest of us hate your guts and you ruin driving in this no-highway city where it takes forever to get anywhere. Fuck you very much! And get off your phone!!


Telling someone that you neither love or hate them is great. Unless you ever wanted to talk to them again. I did love you, very much, but I took that as goodbye.

I moved up the ladder

All my hard work paid off. Hard work was drilled into me since elementary school. Now that I am successful, my eggs are all dried up. I feel like this was all for nothing now. No, I do not want to adopt.

It's gonna be a long hour

You know that feeling of dread when you've got a date, and he's really keen, but you already know you have next to nothing in common and the conversation is already stumbling in fits and starts? At least I won't let him pay for anything and it's an art exhibition with plenty of conversation starters and distractions.

Thanking bus drivers

To the majority of you who use the most annoying, high pitched nasal sound to indicate thanks... Can't you just speak normally? Would you use that same tone to thank someone who held the door? Handed you a plate? Complimented you on your hair? You all sound ridiculous.

Arguing with profs. I'm mean now :(

I have learned to be more disrespectful to make my point. It sucks a lot, as I feel terrible, but they have a pompous attitude with a political outlook in their lectures that I feel cannot reign supreme as if out of some 1986 novel.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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