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butt addict

No matter how much I try to avert my eyes they always seem to find women's asses. As a partnered person, this is a terrible affliction to have, but luckily I live in a strange land where generally people do not have butts. My eyes are like a state-of-the-art butt radar though and I can always pinpoint the anomalies.

The awkward time

Had a really good date and lined up a second one a few days away...but what the heck does a gal do in those few days? Initiate a text conversation? Does that look desperate? Not do anything at all and hope he doesn't lose interest? I never usually feel this stressed, but kind of like this guy...

Don't want to be a creep

I feel weird that I tend to find people of a particular ethnicity hot. But have you seen Robbie Magasiva?

2 children and a husband

And all I want is to sit beside you, feel your energy and connect on a level my husband would never begin to understand. Yes I want your body all over mine but I'd rather have the connection thats so rare and uplifting. You make me forget about every little thing wrong w myself and my life. I'm me again when I'm w you... I'm not a mom, a lonely wife, a woman yearning for more.... .... my confession.... now blast me for being human and wanting more than this mundane existence....


I've been dating my boyfriend for almost 3 years. I go to bed early because I have to be at work early in the morning. I get insecure that while I go to sleep early he's talking to other girls or something. I haven't said anything to him about it, it's just an insecurity.

My RN experience

I was reading the article in another section about healthcare workplace abuse and it brought up some unpleasant memories. I was an RN (or qualified to renew my status) from the very early 90s into the mid/late 2000s in another province and it was no secret then that medical staff were often the subjects of violence or other forms abuse. But it doesn't just happen in healthcare settings. I had a family member ask me to steal pain meds for them. I had told this person about the poor narcotics practice of a group of staff that had bumped into our unit and walked around with sheets of pills in their pockets instead of going to the med cupboard each time a dose needed to be given ( I brought it up because it was a pain to do the end of shift count with a bunch of sheets each having a few missing instead of counting full sheets with one not full). They said if any ever accidentally went home in my pocket they'd take them. I had to explain that would never happen. But they brought it up a few times anyways. Later, this person started asking me questions about an injury they were claiming from a car accident. They wanted to know how far back health records went and about symptoms etc. Later I realized the injury was from childhood. I was so hurt I broke all contact. Its been almost 2 decades. And that was just one family member. I had gym buddies ask me to inject their steroids and later growth hormones (never happened). Had someone lose their temper when I turned down a request to drop everything and give care that wasn't needed. I could go on and on.

just curious

Id like to hear ur opinion on this matter. So this idea of "women prefering taller men" is socially acceptable. BUT then in society men are being told that its ok to date chubby girls. One can loose weight but one cannot reinitiate growing process in his body. Ur thoughts on this phenomenon pls

Just a story I thought I'd share

I was staying at a hotel in the UK- it was a small town along the oceanside, and my window had a view of it. It was a night that was punctuated by groups of twenty-somethings going out and doing their thing. One such group passed beneath my window when everyone else had gone home. They were all yelling, shouting, fighting, etcetera between themselves. One person accusing the other of this, the other person accusing the other of that, and so on and so forth, until a physical fight broke out between two girls. It continued and escalated even when they were pulled apart, until one guy snapped. He suddenly broke rank, turned his back, and stormed down the street and shouted: "Fuck the lot of you. I'm done, I'm moving on with my life, and I'm getting the fuck out of this piece-of-shit town." I was impressed and proud of his spirit even then. He decided to recognize that the people he was with were toxic, and in that moment, decided to change it. We should all learn from this man.

Our Weakness

Our weakness is our multi-culturism, our diversity. Our ethnicity and religion means more to us than our citizenship. We have compartmentalized ourselves into cultural ghettoes. Nobody is interested in anybody's customs and beliefs. There is no attempt to understand, no dialogue; there is only suspicion and hate.

John A. Macdonald

I was pretty grossed out by those "anti-racist" protesters who threw red paint all over a statue of him. Those aren't anti-racists at all. Whatever they are, they are gross. I hope our schools are not pumping out more of these.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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