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None of my business

I'm worried about my friend. She makes 45K/annum and pays $2250 in rent. We've known each other for a decade, and she's always been very good with money (other than a brief overspend when we were 21 and dumb), and an aggressive saver, maxing out TFSAs for the last few years. I'm at the point where if her parents are paying half her rent I wish she would tell me, because I'm concerned about her.

Pescotarian diet

I would pay 3.1 million for a tuna as well. I really want to visit Japan.

I’m bummed

Because Super Dave Osborne died... :(


I was pleasantly surprised when I received my passport the other day. It only took two weeks to get it renewed and shipped to me. I thought it was going to be at least a month. Way to go Passport Canada! Thank you!!

Silent Film romance

I love you! I've been shouting and shouting I LOVE YOU to you, but it only looks like I'm hopping.

I think I'm cursed.

Try as I might I never seem to catch a break moving up within my current industry of choice. Worked for so goddamn long at multiple companies busting my ass and doing extra work to get noticed as well as constantly push for opportunities, only to be snubbed, side-glanced and pretty much ignored when I ask for a chance to move up. Then companies wonder why they lose good talent and can't get quality people into the positions they want. I confess, I'm probably going to end up either leaving my current job or leaving the industry all together if something doesn't pan out soon in 2019. It's a shame because I'm passionate about the industry I'm in and it's literally my area of expertise. It's basically all I've ever wanted to do and all I currently know. Ultimately, I feel like I must've wronged someone or done something in my past to deserve this. It's probably the universe having a little laugh at my expense. I hope it ends soon or I dont really know how much longer I'll be able to stay the course and keep my head on straight.


I just wish I grew up in the 70's or 80's. For so many reasons. A lot of things weren't as progressive as nowadays which I lament (plus, 20/20 hindsight), but I just can't shake this feeling. Oh well, it's 2019, hope I can make myself happy.

Cognitive Dissonance

I guess that’s the name for the confusion that I’m still struggling with. How to wrap my brain around how someone can be so wonderful, warm, and loving one minute, and so unbelievably cold and callous the next. I don’t cry about it anymore, but I still find myself missing him all the time, like a permanent ache deep inside. It still doesn’t feel completely real; I know it’s over but I still catch myself thinking that he’s going to be walking through my door any day. I force myself to remember all the cruel things he said and did, and especially his last words to me, but even then my brain hasn’t completely accepted that he really didn’t love me and I’ll never be with him again. It’s been 9 months or so, but I’ve loved him for so many years that I know it’s going to take a while yet to get over it. The universe has a way of bringing you things when you need them, and I’ve recently watched two different shows that both illustrated how a sociopath or narcissist operates. Seeing those programs made me feel vindicated about the conclusion that I finally came to about him, and I know that to protect myself I had to leave him. The shows both talked about how normal trusting people become ensnared by a person like this, and it’s helped me forgive myself for allowing the abuse to go on for so long. I’m a very strong woman and I know that some day I’m going to go to sleep without having thought about him even once, but right now I’m not quite there yet. Baby steps.... (ps, if you’re interested, the two shows are the special about R. Kelly, and the Netflix series Mindhunter.)


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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