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I don't miss you people in particular

I stopped going to gay bars here because every time I went out, I rarely met anyone. I come with a job, an apartment, my independence, and would spend money buying drinks, wondering why I bothered to go out. I'd actually leave unhappier than when I arrived, sometimes even feeling pissed off that it was yet another crappy night out. I'm not poor, not unattractive ( I know what I look like and still can get laid so I'm okay, I guess) , not socially inept, not a substance abuser or a drunk, not a narcissist or an egoist. I understand the art of conversation; that I've kept friends for over 30 years and I do alright in the straight world socially is some proof that I'm doing something right. But in gay bars? People hide in their bubbles, their mini cluster of buddies and render themselves unapproachable. Many of these same people have no problem gossiping about people they've never met, making decisions based on whatever third-hand BS that "someone" may or may not have said, as if it's gospel. Some were racist, some were openly very awful and deliberately cruel, as if imitating whatever bully scarred them is empowering. How did so many of you become so vapid and unpleasant? I'm not leaving Vancouver because I love the city . It's far better than Toronto and living here isn't as insane as Montreal (really, everyone mover only on one day!? WTAF!). I miss going out, and I truly miss meeting fellow LGBTQ, but I don't miss whatever awaits in these small-town small-minded bars here. No matter how nice one tries to be, you people have consistently made going out simply off-putting and I feel like there's nowhere left to go. This is hammered home whenever one takes a simple walk down Davie. I just can't justify the expense...monetarily or emotionally.

I am desperate for change

I was desperate for change when Obama came in and I was desperate for change when he came out. I hope RFK wins. Democrats for life!

Priced out

My friends and colleagues still think I live in Vancouver. I was forced to move out because the landlord sold my place and I couldn't find a new place in time within my I live in Surrey now. To be honest, my life has improved dramatically that even my dog seems to behave better, I suppose he likes an uncrowded dog park. I was lied to about how shit Surrey is but I am still not telling anybody. I know how it will go and I am already annoyed.

My parents

Were suckrd into the Fox News vortex about four years ago. It hurts my heart.

Liking anime doesn’t make you Asian

Im getting sick of these dumb kids who fancy themselves experts in Asian culture. They pretend to speak Japanese and Korean. They announce their love of kimchi and bubble tea. Im happy people are open to new cultures but jesus its getting out of hand. Ive just heard of a new trend where white kids are getting plastic surgery to look asian or even identifying as asian. I blame kpop ansd anime.

My big corporate wage obsession

Each day I am at work, I login to workday to see how much I get paid. It keeps me going. One day at a time. I envy anyone with a normal life that doesn't need to suck the tit of a giant megacorp...


I showed my boyfriend this tiktok where this guy writes messages on his hand leading to "make sandwich" to get his girlfriend's reaction. My boyfriend automatically responded with, "What an asshole! He had better be worshipping her pussy everyday!" This was just so unexpectedly funny, and quite heartwarming.

Uber Eats

My friend's husband made a strange request. I see him maybe once a year and am not close with him at all. 45 minutes before I am due at their place, my friend texts me, "hey hubby is wondering if you're driving, can you pick up some vodka? he thinks it would be fun to have vodka." WELL....for starters, my own hubby is alcoholic, and so us bringing vodka is even the last thing my hubby wants. Second, when did I sign up to be Uber Eats Delivery? I can't imagine texting a friend, "hey, my husband wants to know if you can bring a beef and broccoli stir fry if you're driving? hubby thinks it would be fun to have beef and broccoli." If you're the host, and you want something, YOU should get it. Ever consider we don't want your craving-of-the-moment? Me and my husband are masters at bringing stuff to get togethers: fried chicken, cakes, cookies, a dozen donuts, pies, bottles of wine for the host, pizza, etc. It's not like we are cheap. We are, in fact, very generous. But to be expected to be a personal shopper for someone's craving seemed over the line to me.

Sitting with the pain

It feels like I’m in suspended animation or that everything is just in slow motion. A deep, deep sadness has come over me, and I’m not running from it. I know the source and I know it will pass. I think I’m just surprised that this same person still has the power to reduce me to tears. I so rarely cry anymore, and especially not over them. They’re not worth my tears I know, so I think it’s more just an expression of my sadness over the futility of it all, and I’m allowing it to flow right through me so it can leave just as it came.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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