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People who think the rules don't apply to them, really piss me off.

I still love him

He abused me for five years and I still love him. It’s over and I’m much happier now but I still feel like he was the one.


Marijuana is satan personified. I should know I've been smoking it since I was 12 and I'm 46. Alcohol is worse so is crack opiates etc but in the end it all weakens individuals mentally and emotionally. People become sick mentally emotionally spiritually and physically. Anyway alcohol is worse so I guess let er buck and legalize more of Satan.

I love the smell of desperation in the morning

I find it funny how certain media outlets and real estate people are desperately trying to get people to keep drinking the real estate Kool aid. Keep buying this overpriced garbage and pay no attention to the market collapsing behind the curtain. All these baby boomers who are about to retire are on their knees every night praying for Chinese Santa to show up at their door willing to give them duffel bags of cash for their overpriced hovel. It's kind of sad how divorced from reality people have become in the lower mainland. There's a big punch in the gut coming to a lot of people in the next few years when reality hits.

On Love

There are many kinds of it. Of friends. Of family. Of lovers. As many kinds as there are relationships between people. And like people, perfection depends entirely on your perspective. Love is a difficult experience to manage. We well-up with the doubt of it, of our own love and of the one we love. We fear rejection. We fear abandonment. We fear hurting the one we love because we've been hurt and cannot trust it or ourselves. So we calculate love. We bait. We catch and release. We hurt the ones we love first, before we can be hurt. Every second Confession is dripping with some mathematical formula about love gained or lost. It hurts to read them. At what I hope is only the mid-point of my life, I know that love must be given unconditionally without ever having expectation of its return. Even though I have been hurt many times by a game of love played like war, I will continue to give my love without ever expecting the like returned. The purpose of love is to give it. The giving of love is the fire of life. And I don't know about you, but better warm than cold, no?

Don’t sweat the small stuff

I can’t comprehend why some people get so incredibly butt hurt at petty little things. We’re all mature adults here. People who are hypersensitive and can’t even take an innocent joke need to grow up. Life is way to short to get offended. There’s bigger problems in the world.

No to LRT

I live in Surrey and am against this whole light Rail Transit bullshit. It’s gonna cause more congestion and accidents than it will solve. Wouldn’t it be better to simply extend the Skytrain line from King George into Langley? Grandma and grandpa are complaining that Skytrain stations attract junkies. Big frickin deal! There’s junkies everywhere these days regardless. Junkies don’t live long. Anywho, look up this video on YouTube called “Don’t let idiots built your transit” it’s a mind opener

ICBC sucks

My experience is that they make a lot of rules, take a lot of money, but cannot even balance a book. It must be nice to be a fat unionized ICBC employee while everyone else in BC suffers the high living costs associated with driving. Why can't we get Geicko? .. or anything else? Just shut it down, eh? Why is this still ongoing? Please ease the pain! What is wrong with the government? Why would it continue to do this to us? Is it an evil monster? Probably.

My goodness

The internet sure went from being a helpful encyclopedia to one big gossip fest. All we hear about are the outfit Meghan Markle wore to Pilates, Metoo bullshit, the Kardashians slutty lives, Trump throwing a tantrum blah blah blah. Yep how times have changed.

Going out

I hope to do well with women but at the end of the night I just feel like garbage. It's difficult because every other guy out there is acts super aggressive, practically dragging a woman home with them. I try not to think I'm not good enough but it's hard not to when everything points to me being so. I've been trying to go out just to enjoy myself and not obsess about women, "live in the moment" and all that. But then I look around and judge myself and it's hard not to feel like shit. At the end of the night I walk home trying to convince myself that the horrible thoughts I have about myself aren't true. I just wish I could find a woman who thinks I'm a catch.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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