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love of your life!

The woman i love is like me , unique. She cannot be replaced or forgotten, she is one of a kind. My life is colored by the love we share. This being said i have not spoken to or seen her in years. Love never solved problems or pacified our lives. It started a fire that rages within us. For me i learned to break out the marsh mellows and appreciate the heat and to love the light instead of feeling burned. Build bonfires and send smoke signals!

Tired of denial

For years, man. Flirting then denying. Happy to hear from me then telling me to go away, then freaking out saying I'm abandoning them when I do. Not liking me but keeps thinking about me. Reaches out then ghosts then moans about how it didn't work out then saying they're not attracted. Geez, sh*t or get off the pot. For a person who's not interested, they sure have put a hell of a lot of time, thought and energy into me over the years. Usually people who aren't interested disappear and that clearly isn't happening. WTF!

Grass is Greener

I think I made a big mistake. I sold up and moved back to where my family lives. They were all for it, but now I'm here, they say I've changed and just want to argue with me. I miss my friends and my old neighbourhood. An older friend of mine did the same thing about 25 years ago and always regretted it. Guess I should have listened to her.


I've been as understanding and calm as I can be these past few months. But I'm about to lose it. I can't believe how the people in my building are acting. Despite the letters that our awesome building manager has slid under every suite door on two different occasions, I'm consistently met in the elevator/hallway/laundry room with people not wearing masks. They all shrug their shoulders when I ask them about it. I'm at a loss. I'm just DONE.


I thought I was in love a couple of times with a girl in my high school class. Sweet heart. I have not seen her since then but I still hold her in my heart in a special way. I'm now 62 and I got married to a very nice beautiful person I met when I was 34. But I still don't know what it feels like to be really deeply in love. I really want to be deeply in love some day, but I'don't think I will ever experience it. Can't understand this part of my life on earth not 1 bit. This is all I have to say. Thank you very much.

I feel rested

I slept 12hrs and then I was awake for 6. Then I slept for another 10 hours.


I miss someone so much that I get flashbacks of when we touched or kissed and they seem so real. My whole body feels it. I regret not telling them I love them. Live without regrets; tell people how you feel.

I’m an old

Now whenever I hear Landslide, I bawl my eyes out.

Crappy Friends

I’ve noticed over the last couple years that a friend of mine never calls me or texts me to hang out. I always have to bug her to make plans. I’ve also noticed that she tends to be argumentative with me or other people we’re with, particularly if I’ve introduced them and is quite critical. I was talking with her brother recently and he basically told me that he feels she is an abusive person and that I shouldn’t put up with it. He also admitted to being afraid of her and that she’s been this way to him all their lives. I was quite taken aback by his comments and hadn’t realized I have been putting up with this nonsense for far too long. This is yet another long term friend I have decided to cut off this year. There have been quite a few and my new year’s resolution is going to be to not put up with shitty behaviour from anyone, anymore for the rest of my life.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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