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Wouldn't it be cool?

If the left could throw an innocent supreme court judge in jail, and pretend it was social justice! That's good Facebook marketing.

Michael Myers the Incel

I love scary movies. My favourites are the ones with the least amount of violence like the Exorcist and Poltergeist. But I also liked slasher movies like Friday the 13th and Halloween as silly, harmless fun. But now I've been debating whether I should go and see the new Halloween reboot because it occurred to me recently that these kinds of movies seem to be written from the point of view, and for the gratification of incels. Think about it. The women in these movies tend to be young, attractive, and often promiscuous. The male victims, dispatched just as brutally, are brash, confident, and successful with women. In other words, they're "chads" and "staceys." The killer is an outcast or misfit, and has a deranged attitude towards women. You know, an incel. Freddy Krueger likes to troll and torment his victims in cruel, juvenile ways just as incels and MRA's like to troll people online for the "lulz." I think these characters are like avatars for angry, bitter men who are failures with women, and who enjoy watching acts of "revenge" against the type of people they resent. The lone survivor is usually a virgin who gets to escape punishment because she's not "having sex wrong" by being with men who incels are jealous of. Yeah, I know some women watch these movies too, and I think they get a vicarious thrill from seeing people who look like the "popular kids" who rejected them in high school get their comeuppance. The more I think about it though, its mostly a misogynistic fantasy where the monster, who is unstoppable, gets to win in the end which is gratifying for an audience of losers who never win at....anything. I don't know, maybe we need more feminist horror writers?

Reality Check.

What is a vegan defined as nowadays? The definition needs a re-think. There are people in giant SUV vehicles driving around with Starbucks latés and calling themselves vegan for eating health food store boutique groceries packaged in double-layered plastic, meanwhile a vegan on the GS who occasionally eats free-range chicken eggs is supposedly NOT vegan enough according to some textbook definition children at left-wing academy. Open your minds a little, children...


I basically just got dumped because I don't sleep with random chicks when I'm single.

Enjoying the solitude

I never attend work parties or hangout with coworkers outside of work. It wouldn’t be fun to watch them get drunk because I don’t drink. To me they’re just people that come and go like all four seasons. I prefer to have my personal space and embrace the peace and quiet time at home.

Just when I thought I was getting good

With life I realized that I don't like anyone. Kids and geezers excepted. Kids for their joy and wonder geezers for their vulnerable awareness of the fragility of fate. Smug others make me puke


I used to enjoy watching South Park and Saturday Night Live but when they wasted a whole season making fun of Trump in every episode it got boring. Very boring. Those shows lost their edge.

Beyonce/Jay Z concert

His ugly mug and her giant ham hocks projected on a 6-storey screen had me looking at my shoes and watch all evening.

Delayed emotions...

Being in my late thirties with a family of my own certain things in my life have taken a backseat until now. The other day my son asked me a very simple and straight forward question, “Mommy what’s it like to be adopted?” No one has ever asked me that question, I’ve never even asked myself that question...


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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