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Cliched idiot heartsick moron...

The heart has it's own logic and has royally f#@ed me over. We met years ago, but never experienced chemistry that intense before or since. I honestly thought it would dissipate over time. Nope. I'm a dumbass. (Cue the violins and pass me something to puke in or toke.)

small town turned city

I moved to a funky little small town 20 years ago. It was a great community with a vibrant flavour. Over the last 10 yesrs it has changed so much with an influx of wealthy Vancouverites who want it to be more like Kits along with a growing number of vacant investment properties and AirBNBs. The last straw is the change in ownership of the local General Store which used to be a hub in the Heart of Town. The new owners have installed more security cameras than a bank, the children are accused of stealing just for walking through the doors, they are putting bars on the windows and installing lottery machines. It feels a lot more like downtown Sketchville than our wuaint little community of years gone by. I guess we won’t be staying long.

Birdsong at Dawn

Sometimes you just meet your true love too soon, and that's a pain I will carry to my grave.

For what

Reason am I alive at present?

Corner of Robson & Hornby

Anyone else notice that the bike lane stop light seems to be nothing more than a suggestion at this corner? I cross this about once a day and if I had a dime for all the cyclists running the red light I'd have a place in West Van. So here is what I'm going to do, just cross. Go ahead and hit me, you'll be at fault and I'll sue your ass. I figure if you can bye a $8,000 bike, then you can afford it.


I find you can learn a lot about people by the shit they follow and like on Instagram. And I do mean SHIT.

Second kids..

I kinda feel bad that with my first kid I used to order her diapers from the USA because I wanted her to wear organic, vegan, gluten free ones, and as soon as she pee I’ll run to change her diaper and put all of this expensive organic creams and with my second one is like.. Oh it’s ok, it can fit one more pee.

Vancouver May Have Mountains, But It’s Got No Soul

We moved to this city about a year ago and we were really excited before coming here. After being here for a year, I can say that we made a huge mistake. The city is not only greatly overpriced, but it is also the sketchiest city I have ever lived in. It doesn’t matter what area of the city you are in, you have to walk over drug addicts and discarded needles, or listen to douchebags yell at each other about their workout routine in between sips of their energy drinks. I know there must be ‘normal’ people here, but I don’t seem to see them anywhere. Instead, all I see are professional rich kids and 30/40-somethings who watched Entourage one too many times. This city also has the worst drivers, and I understand it must be hard to learn to drive in a hundred thousand dollar Porsche SUV but I almost get run over while in a crosswalk at least once a month, which must be why my car insurance is twice as much as it is in any other province I have lived in. Vancouver - I hardly know you, but I think it’s not meant to be, and I feel confident saying it’s not me, it’s you.


This is extremely cringeworthy but I watch that music video on repeat sometimes and imagine you as the impoverished mom and want to swoop in and save you. Obviously I will never tell you or anyone this.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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