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my friend cut contact and I don't know why

I've had a friendship with my friend (ex friend?) for 14 years. We've always gotten along and never argued. She recently lost her job and then suddenly cut contact with not only me but several other people I know were on good terms with her, who also have known her for a long time. I can't help but think she's going through something, as she struggles with mental health issues. I'm deeply concerned for her and would like to be there for her if she needs me to be, but I also want to respect her wishes and don't want to violate her privacy by reaching out to her. What to do? I've never been in this situation before.

Lick Dance Party

Dear Vancouver, Lick queer dance party tomorrow. I want to go but I have no queer friends/allies to go with.. -little closet

Stop it, please! Love from a tried and true Vancouverite.

I'm sick of the whole "Vancouverites are snobby/unfriendly" narrative. I was born and raised here (and I know many others who were) and I'm one of the friendliest people: I talk to strangers and help them all the time, I join groups like beach volleyball, I participate in my community, I go to protests etc - as do the others I know who are actually from here. Have you ever stopped to think that maybe part of the reason people aren't social or friendly here is that you're all from other parts of the globe? You're scared and stand-offish because it's become a giant melange of transports who don't know anyone? That the majority of people living in Vancouver aren't even FROM here? Also, a LOT of other cities in the world have the same gripes; it isn't just Vancouver. Please stop shaming our city. Peace.

If you Live in an Apartment Building

Ok I can't speak for anywhere but the west end, and in particular Rental Buildings. Why? Someone tell me why? Do people not at the least say hello to someone when you get in an elevator, or at the very least say hello back or make eye contact when they initiate a hello? This happens WAY more often than it should. You arrive outside the elevator, someone is already there. The person who was first waiting for the elevator should turn their head and say hello. Thats all you need to say, maybe throw in a smile too. This "hello" can end there or can continue with small talk. This is inspired by someone in my building who lives on my fricking floor they never acknowledge my arrival at said elevator and then ride all the way down and just leave. But there are a lot of others that seem to do this too. I don't need new friends or to hang out with people who live next-door but common human decency when someone says hi. You don't just ignore them. Please if this is you move to the suburbs, or the woods. THIS is one of the reasons communities fall apart and people feel so isolate in the city.

when we first started dating

you sat on my balcony and told me that you know a lot of beautiful women, that all the women you know are models or actresses. you did so without me asking. why did you do that? it wasn't necessary.

Weekend in the woods

I'm off to clean myself up and form new beginnings in my life. The love of my life, my favorite person, the girl of my dreams wisened me up to my toxic behaviour. She was the girl I respected the most, the one I would listen to over anyone. What I did was speak over her constantly, because I didn't want to feel alone, and couldn't handle being left hanging. It hurt her. I wish I didn't, but I know I did. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to repair the damage I've done, but her patience, virtue, and how she handled an impossible man makes me to be a better person.

I'm sorry

I feel it's not right that I didn't say a word and walked away that day. My eyes were all teared up under my sunglasses, that's why I took off so quickly. I'm sorry! I should have gave us a chance to communicate.

Sad among the Ill

I feel so unattractive here. I always seem to be the one taking the high road. I honestly feel defeated.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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