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Catherine Deneuve

Wow, thank you Catherine Deneuve for stating what many people are thinking but too afraid to say anything out of fear so they stay silent. It's conform to the expected point if view or get labelled a predator.


Woke up to an eery feeling. Saw a shadow in my doorway and realized it was my roommate watching me. It's 3 AM. I'm creeped the fuck out. I asked him what he was doing and how long he had been there. He said, "A while..I'm on GHB.. ". So I'm thinking great.. you're probably horny as hell just standing in the dark watching me sleep. I keep my door closed too so he must have opened it very quietly. I'm a light sleeper and would have normally heard the door. It doesn't have a lock. Weird how I could sense someone watching me in my sleep. I told him to fuck off and closed my door. He curled up on the couch outside my door and starting making weird moaning noises. I'm moving. I'll be staying with a friend for the remainder of the time until I'm moved.

Don’t tell him I said that :)

My husband is the most annoying human being I have ever known ... oh yes he is! But God I love him so dearly. I would not trade him for anything :)

No complaints

My life is not perfect but I’m loving it. I’m so lucky and grateful. That’s all.

Unnecessary panic

There might be a shortage of Devonshire cream (clotted cream imported from England) in Vancouver. An item that was once carried in abundance at grocery chains is sold out and store orders are going unfilled. I haven't had Devonshire cream in over a year and I haven't really thought about it much until recently. Now that I know it is in such limited supply I am anxious that I'll never enjoy a cream tea again. I have the tea, the scones and even the strawberry jam but it isn't the same without that rich dairy indulgence. While checking several grocery stores in person, I got an unofficial tip that it is getting popular and there is an import limit on it (I'm not sure if it is British dairy in general or specifically this product). As a Commonwealth nation, can we demand our quota be raised? To me, a gently warmed scone with Devonshire cream and strawberry jam is worth asking the tough questions.

I hate that I can't quit smoking!

It drives me crazy. I've been smoking on and off for over 20 year and I absolutely hate it. The problem is, I love it.

Help, I'm Awkward

I found out through a friend during conversation that a mutual friend of ours has started to prefer the pronoun "they" when being referred to. I am fine with that but when he started saying "them' when referring to the person, I got confused. I thought he was talking about a group of people and every time I referred to what I had known this person as, he kept saying "them" until I caught on and asked if they wanted to be called "them" now. He said yes and that it was also hard for him to remember. I got flustered and actually had to changed the subject because it was too confusing for me to try and remember to say "them" and I didn't want to be disrespectful. I understand that these people don't want to be pigeonholed as a certain gender but why do other people have to change their vocabulary? It makes no difference to me if you want to be a purple flamingo but it only feels natural to call a person by the way they look or act. It's pretty obvious a man is a man and a woman is a woman. Even if they are transgender and not quite "pulling it off" you can still tell what they'd like to be called. Also, I work in customer service and I get nervous calling women (especially gay women) "guys" as in, "hey guys, how's it goin'?" Is that still socially acceptable? I should be more in the loop on this but I'm just not and I feel kind of bad about it.

Need a writing friend

I have an idea for a novel, but I'm short a plot right now. I really wish I had a writer friend to toss ideas back and forth with. But at the same time I'm superstitious about "talking out" a book before it is written.

Shitty times at work

I hate it when people at work complain about me. I made one small minor mistake and now some of my coworkers don't seem to like very me much anymore. That's the vibe that I'm sensing. Being a guy who was born so earnest, it's kind of difficult for me to take it as a learning curve instead of a punishment. They say you have to accept constructive criticism, which is true but then again what is constructive criticism these days? Sigh, oh well. Life goes on and I can't wait til Friday.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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