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We hurt eachother but I miss you

I really miss one of my high school friends. We were so close but drifted apart. I lost my virginity to the guy I was dating and eventually we broke up. She started seeing him soon after and also lost her virginity to him which obviously hurt me and quite honestly pissed me off. I got really drunk one night and he messaged me. He started flirting with me and I flirted back because I really missed him. He asked me to come over and cuddle and I was going to but fell asleep. I was at her house at the time because it was someone's birthday party and we were all sleeping in her room. In the morning I left without realizing I had left my Facebook open on her laptop. She read all of the messages, told everyone what a slut and shitty friend I was. I know it wasn't right but it pissed me off that nobody acknowledged what a shitty thing she did to me. Never in my life would I go after one of my best friends ex boyfriends especially who they had lost their virginity too. He meant a lot to me and she knew that. She never even came to me to ask if I would mind that they got together. I'm not saying she needed permission but... I don't know, I guess I'm the only person that thinks that was fucked up? After that she was angry with me and became super bitchy toward me so we stopped hanging out. I had a dream about her tonight. We were best friends again and had so much fun. We were at a highschool dance drinking underneath the bleachers and smoking weed in the bathroom laughing our asses off. I really miss her and was sad when I woke up. We had so much fun as teenagers. I felt like messaging her but then woke up a little more and realized it was a bad idea. I never told her how I felt about her back stabbing me by getting with him and the fact that she turned people against me for a stupid drunken mistake which I apologized for numerous times. I wish things could be the way they were and if I could I would take back that drunken message. Anyway.. I know I'll get people saying I'm a piece of shit for what I did but I really had to it that off my chest. It's been bothering me for years. Thanks for reading.

No one knows...

...that I make seven figures a year. I live and dress modestly, and don’t talk about money. The only person I might tell is my mom, to make her proud, but I don’t want her to think I’m bragging so I don’t think I will tell her.

well dam!

i sure wish i woulda got sober sooner in life :-(

I'm really really tired!!

I'v been knowing you for 13 years. From the moment i saw you, i fell in love with you and i still love you. we took a vows to take care of each others. In better and worse. I worked hard so you can have an easy and stable life, not to worry about alot of things and for that I'm proud of myself. But it seems as I work more and more you slowly put more and more on my shoulder. Now that i thought that i'm getting closer to my goal so i can work less and have more free time to myself last night you broke the news to me that you want to take an unpaid leave from work Because you just realized that you can't stand your stupid boss and colleagues? That means i have to work more to pick up the slack. But what about my plan? i have no energy left. I am really really tired!! Maybe i need a vacation, maybe i need a some time off from you.

Before the tides turn

You should really consider having sex with me before you age out and I become a silver fox. Think about it.


I need to find a place to rent soon. I'm on disability and every time I mention it I immediately am discriminated against. I don't know if I will be able to find anything in time. I don't know anyone or have family here so I actually am realizing that I may very well become homeless. I understand the stereotype against people on income assistance because of certain individuals who take advantage of the system to spend their money on booze and drugs. It's not fair to people who actually really need the help (not down playing addiction by any means, please don't take it that way). I have a very serious stomach problem which is my reasoning and I'm beyond frustrated that I can't find anyone willing to rent to me. They shoot me down so fast the minute they hear disability. I went to go check a place out the guy was so nice to me and seemed like he was about to rent to me until I mentioned disability be literally told me to get out. And slammed the door in my face. He said he didn't want bums there. I was mortified and just felt so degraded. I don't know what to do. I'm over the youth age now so there are no programs. The only thing left is shelters and I'd honestly rather be in the streets.

i cant stand it or belive it

we were getting close to moving in together.we had so much in common.he's a catch I know,tall and gainfully employed.but he is leaving me for a 45 year old never married woman.A woman that is that age and single should be setting off alarm bells .Im 26 and he is 29.He says it 'just happened'.They started out as friends and now he says he is in love with her.How?Why?I love him too and I can give him a future and kids.She is attractive and glamorous ...that much Ill give her.Her exuse for never marrying is that she is looking after her elderly sick parents.Bullshit I say.Must be something wrong with her personality or behaviour.He claims that he had not slept with her because she wont get with a man who is taken already.But his feelings are too strong so he wants to be with her.How could he do this to me?leave me for a middle age woman who thinks shes young and entitled?

Have you noticed?

On the Google headline news page ( for Canada) a lot of the news stories under Vancouver are now coming from places like "The Delta North Journal" "The Barriere Star" or "The Keremeos Review" ? Does this conjure up images of Dustin Hoffman and Robert Redford running around the log cabin newsrooms in Barriere? It's probably because the main city newspapers are operating literally on skeleton staff and a shoestring budget these days , maybe one reporter and one Ad salesperson ( ala Conrad Black business model)). Pretty soon we'll be getting reports of broken farm fences or cougar and wolf sightings


In 10 years all Hollywood movies will be completely made and star women becasue none of the men there will have jobs any more.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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