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Opportunity needn't knock necessarily

You, for example just stood there, beside me. Looked level in my eye and proposed. Please God, What was I thinking?! If we had the chance to do it all again, would we? Could we? I can't speak for you but I wouldn't hesitate a moment

My roommate

Do you remember that feeling when you're about to go on a field trip and you get paired with the worst and most boring teacher? That is her... x10. My old roommate says, "She’s gotta learn she can’t bully people into being losers". I agree.

My KFC Fetish

I am a Vancouverite-- born and raised- who eats KFC chicken. My friends shudder. I rejoice. I love non-PC regular Joe culture. I don't need to go to vegan cafes to feel accepted.

Don't understand

I'm in my forties and have been working in a union job for many years. I have had many opportunities to "move up", or take management jobs. I'm asked why don't I want to be a leader? They look at me like I'm an unambitious failure. I'm happy to go home without any stress, I'm happy to work with my co-workers without the boss stigma. I've been married for 20 years and have 2 great kids. And I really like my job the way it is, but now I'm starting to feel that maybe I'm really just an unambitious loser, because someone today said they just could not understand why I wouldn't want to be a leader and the boss.


I'm feeling quite down about not having plans to do anything on most weekends as most friends are quite busy with partners, and their lives so we don't get together often. I've tried meetups, but am finding the same problem. (also, the meetups that are regular are often more dance/club based, limited, or fill up) I'd like to meet someone but kind of giving up on that yet again as its hard to meet a good man that wants a relationship. Plus, I don't have the patience for dealing with players etc. I'd like to get into hobbies but am limited financially. I'm open to any suggestions to fill my time and enjoy this nice weather. Thanks

Left alone

My parents are snowbirds and leave Vancouver for 6 + months every year to go to Florida to escape our winter. It is hard sometimes when you have no other family around... Especially when times are tough! It feels very lonely. I know I come off as an entitled millennial, even though I do not rely or expect anything from my parents financially. I just wish I had a close family that was around to spend time with and that I mattered more to them than the nice weather.

How does that work?

I’ve had this really good friend for over 35 years — we met in high school - but suddenly I can’t look at him the same way. He just told me that he had an affair 3 years ago, and his wife found out about it, and took him back. She’s amazing. Beautiful, elegant, smart, athletic, funny, kind, accomplished, great mom, — I’ve envied his relationship with her for 30 years — how is it that some guys are so lucky?

Description of a lady

She was a small town girl. Down to Earth, a little bit hippie, but all around a good natured, sun-shiney woman whose smiles could melt your heart on a summer's day. Life was nice, for a while. Then, she grew up. She wanted more. She wanted a place in the world. She wanted culture and connections. She wanted wealth. She wanted status. She wanted a place in the sun. Enter: the rich suitor, who swept her off her feet, offering her promises of happiness and class like she wouldn't believe. Though he was not the man she really wanted, she jumped at the chance, perhaps not understanding the cost of such a partnership. Then, she changed. She became cold. She became distant. She wore scarlet dresses instead of ribbons and jeans, prada instead of slippers. She has embraced the culture and been shown a new world, even if it isn't her, while the old parts of her soul have rotted, neglected for years. Old friendships and love have gone by the waysides. You're just one of many, now. Now you see her at a party, dressing gown hitched up, dragon emblazoned on her back, hair done up just right, and you realize you don't know her anymore. You see a glimmer of that summer girl, only for an instant, then she's gone. She'll call once in a while. She'll maybe even hold your hand on a rare day when the sun is out, and for a day or two, it'll be like things always were. Just you and her, and eternity between you as you remember it all. But you know in your heart that you can no longer offer her the same things. You cannot raise her status. You cannot swim in the same social circles. You cannot afford the things that make her happy now. Though the small parts of her heart still ache for you, crying as they suffer, silent and neglected, you have been entirely cast by the wayside. A casualty in the name of growth. You realize she has not destroyed herself. Only changed. And only her demons still remain. You realize it's time to move on. I love you, Lady Van. But I can't stay.

I wish

It was socially acceptable here to be rude and direct with people that are being the same with you, even at work. I'm sure it would greatly tone down the amount of bullies you get, walking in and mistreating employees based on bullshit customer service standards. I started doing it a long time ago, and it's worked for me.


You always hear about golf ball-sized hail. Why doesn’t somebody come up with hail-sized golf balls?


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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