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I'm a single white male

And I have a weird desire to join far right groups just to spy on them. I'm pretty left leaning politically and things have gotten over the top lately. So maybe doing some spy work is needed.

Don't change the meaning

It wasn't that we "couldn't work it out" it's that you refused to divorce your "husband" even known you moved out. And I got sick of hearing your complain about what an ass he is. Yes I was stupid to keep believing you wanted to be with me, but at least I can call it for what it was, an affair.

To all the baby boomers

Who think it's funny that young people can't use a rotary phone, let's see how you do with morse code.

I hate it when

Someone asks for my advice, then questions what I say. You admitted at the beginning of this exchange that you didn't know what to do, yet you know what I'm telling you is wrong? Then don't ask.


There was a news headline from 2 different sources this weekend that read "Suspected rhino poacher killed by wild elephants, then eaten by lions." Elephants have long memories. Maybe they "knew" the guy from seeing him poaching before. Maybe he was trying to poach one of them and they figured it out! Either way, the elephants put an end to the greed. Of course the lions were probably all too happy to get a free snack and clean up the mess. Gotta love Mother Nature, the original recycler....pass the toothpicks please.

I don't believe in God, but sometimes praying works

I don't believe in God, but sometimes praying works. It works to heal my emotions, and sometimes after praying, I find that things resolve themselves the next day. I rarely pray and I'm not religious, so I feel that when I do pray - it means that I'm in serious trouble. My prayers don't always come true though (they often don't). I feel that my prayers should be worthy though, because I use them scarcely. I don't want to waste Gods time by spamming him with prayers when there are so many people in need in this world. Will I be alone forever? Why have I gone down this path? Where is it taking me? Why do I feel that I must continue to find out? God... if I see such beauty in someone else, why couldn't you have helped them to recognize the beauty in me? Or is there none? This path that I'm on is leading into a deep and dark cave. What is waiting for me at the end of it? Do I have to embrace it, or kill it? Will it kill me? I have the soul that I did from day one - so you should know me well. I will deal with whatever is waiting for me at the end of the cave. I will face the worste aspect of myself, and I will kill it.

I have to say this

Confessing it with my tongue will help me and I pray it will help you step back up to the damn plate and smash us out of the park. I love you of this there is no doubt, but fuck baby I KNOW YOU love me too. Now say it, say it loud, climb high and scream it to all that can hear it, so that all will know. Try it I will not let you down I promise you this if you trust me enough to do this I will make you never regret saying it, sweetheart just once trust me. I know what you meant when you said just once I wish he would. So I wish now she would! Love will win the day and we will be something that will win it all. Also there's another to come I've been told this in a way. So think on that.

I confess

I am glad you didn’t invite me to your birthday dinner this year because I didn’t want to be there anyway. You’re some weird passive aggressive woman that hates heteronormative people and prefers drug abusers for companionship. You were completely rude to my sister. So maybe you feel better with the crowd that’s always on pills, stoned, drunk and high. Last year we all spent $100 each on your birthday dinner. Glad I’m off the hook this time.

No more water in the well

Feeling very emotionally depleted by someone I love deeply but need distance from. Codependency issues on my end, thirst for attention on theirs.

Boomerang words

Things I have said in haste because of fear or past pain that come ricocheting back at me months and even years later to cause me great shame. How could I be so fearful? How could I be so dishonest? How could I hurt someone about whom I care so deeply? But more than anything, why do I not believe that I deserve happiness?


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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