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I think I love you...

... but I know you don't feel the same way because you've told me we're moving too fast. So I'm keeping it to myself and trying to calm down my feelings and manage my expectations. But it's starting to hurt. I can't bring myself to break things off (given my feelings) but I think it might be best considering we're on completely different pages.

More sex robots please

The sexual revolution is really about to begin... giggity, giggity! So much for chasing girls. Sex bots are here :)

Old Fashioned Dating

Its just so hard to find a good guy. Everyone seems to be dating 4 or 5 people and then swiping to find more people. I went on a date with a cute guy and he told me he was seeing 4 other women. He was honest with me but at the same time I can't believe this is the new dating reality. I mean aren't you worried about getting a disease or something. Maybe I am old fashioned in dating. What happened to dating one person at a time to find that special someone. My mom met my dad at a church picnic. Dating seems to be dead now and all people seem to do is hook up with each other.

Cut your nose off to spite your face

We've all heard that expression. I equate the general attitude of so many of today's men to that. It's no different than someone punishing another person if they don't get everything their own way. So you're all whining that women want it "both ways" when women still want a man to act manly. What I think you're saying is that if you don't get to keep ALL the power, and have women back where they were decades ago, then you can't be manly anymore. Does that mean that in order to be manly you have to be a sexist jerk and have women completely submissive to you? Does it mean you can't be a fair and decent person simply because a woman wants to have equal rights and still wants to be female? That's how it seems to me. I know men who seem able to treat women with equality and still act like men and not whiny little babies. Too bad so many guys can't seem to handle that.

I don't care anymore

If someone wants to get a lifetime ban from the states, go invest in cannabis and gloat to the border guards. Whoopdie doo daa!

I loved Wishbone

The TV show. I hope that dog is still alive and adventuring through time.

Seasonal dread

I admit I feel dread when I see the plastic inflatable Christmas lawn ornaments, the mass printed Santa faces everywhere, mass produced fake plastic trees, candy cane scenes, etc. Everything is artificial and phoney and in my face. All I’m supposed to do is open my wallet to perpetuate this fake Christmas feeling. I feel like a Scrooge and just want to not participate in any of it. It makes me feel like an idiot and also empty at the same time. Let’s just have some beers, not exchange any store-bought presents, have some laughs and relay some stories and aspirations together instead. I feel we are all financial suckers if we spend ANY money on made-in-China Santa seasonal garbage.

Good dates

Are so hard to find. I go to online websites to find my future wife or online to stores to find my future Chinese sex robot. One will prevail!

Moving on

I’ve been conflicted with going to a Christmas party.. because I know my ex gf will be there. I’m going anyway and bringing a date too. I am and have moved on. I don’t need to feel guilty for doing just this when my ex broke up with me. So if she sees with someone, I hope she remembers she ended.. not me. I’m not going to beg for someone who has left me twice. But I know her, somehow it’s all my fault.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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