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Some days I want a girl naked in bed with me badly and other days I'm repulsed by licking another vagina. I'm a girl... but what the f is going on. hormonal? whaaaat the ? (I've only been with men)

All gender identities can be oppressive

When a misogynistic opinion is topped off with "and I'm a woman!" all it means is that you are struggling with internalized misogyny and not that your opinion is more valid. It doesn't matter who you are saying it, you are still saying something that is just as oppressive coming from anyone else so you need to be just as accountable as anyone else saying descructive things.

OK I'll Admit It

I'm a kale muncher. [thought I was sick of the stuff]

I Don't Want to Have Children

My family is very traditional and conservative. They think the meaning of life is to get married and have kids. I love kids too, but I'm not that strident about reproduction. I lie and tell them that when I meet the right person, I will get married and start a family. The truth is that I don't want to have kids because I think the world is getting worse. I don't think we're going to be able to stop climate change. The environment will become unlivable and people will get desperate for resources. I think that wars will start because of it. Income inequality is getting worse and even the "safe" middle class jobs are getting outsourced. Anyone who isn't a doctor or lawyer is being forced to work for less and less as the race to the bottom has no end in sight. Democratic countries are on the decline and authoritarian nations are on the rise. As totalitarian countries get wealthier and more powerful, they'll start exporting their nightmarish way of life to us. .........and this is the kind of world we are leaving the next generation. I'm hoping that I don't live long enough to see the worst of it, and I sure as hell don't want to bring kids into the world so they can suffer through it.

Best Friends

We never talked about that time when we were children and played with each other's penis's, but I guess we lost our virginity to each other.

Memories On The Drive

When I first moved here, we were feral hippies all living together. My roommate worked a day at a certain "co-op" on The Drive that didn't exactly pay cash. As compensation, he left through the back with an entire pail of cashew butter. We ate so much of it that I became constipated!

Sorry so cynical but...

Don't you feel the new 10 dollar bill is a little contrived? "Our Rosa Parks?" Rosa Parks lite? A civil rights activist most Canadians haven't heard of? My vote? Stompin' tom Connors. No one promoted Canada like Stompin tom. Edit: I changed my mind. Bruno Gerussi. He showed Canadians that an immigrant find great success in Canada. I mean, he was on the CBC for crying out loud. That's the pinnacle of success in the 70's.

train tracks

so I seriously just want to say I've been wanting to be with a girl in my entire twenties, more than curiosity I just know i'd love it. I'm a girl, and I want to be in a long relationship with dudes but with the chicks I'm open-minded and I really just want to have fun... pink hair ladies esp. ... am I the only one? Does this have to be defined?

University of life

Regarding the whole University thing, part of the problem is that society has sold us a false bill of goods saying that you'll never become successful without any University education. The rest of us can get on with the University of life and technical colleges. Nuff said.

Too busy surviving to be an activist or an investigator

Seems pretty easy to connect the dots of a "planned" maintenance of the Burnaby refineries which contributes to the squeeze on local fuel constraints, and then Alberta threatens to cut off the oil... But for someone's who's job isn't as an investigative reporter and busy just trying to cling to the standard of living that this city declares "affordable"... I guess this is how the pipeline forces get their way. And we don't get ANYTHING in return. But hey, Trudeau really looked good running on the seawall last summer.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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