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I think I love you

I sit here and wonder why I like you. I wonder where you go when you leave and I wonder where you go when you live your life. You are a conundrum.

You are evil I think?

Even though everything is super horrible I think I may fall for you again and make you come with me down the rabbit hole.

Another round

I survived another bipolar II episode. I took time off work to deal with it this time. Had my medication adjusted and did a lot of self care. Now I will have to face the human resources inquisition about my sick time. Ironic since I work for a mental health service.

Hot for Doc

My doctor is way way way WAY too good looking to even be a doctor. He looks like he stepped straight out of GQ magazine. All I want is one night of hot sex with him, no strings attached. Even if that meant I could never see him again.

8-5. Work it or find a new gig

Hi new coworker "bro"! Yes, I know you fucked off for an hour plus in the afternoon. Yes, I know you've already had your hour lunch and 15 minute coffee break on top of that. Yes, I was fucking pissed when you showed me what you accomplished today, which was fucking nothing. Mumbling and pointing around at your "work" did not create the smoke screen you thought it would. Please do not do make this a habit or I will go to HR. I am not going to let you play around and collect a pay check while our team mates bust their asses to get shit done. Welcome to corporate, get your shit together or get out.

Dear charity muggers

Do us a favour & FUCK OFF!! You are annoying You are fucking pushy You don't know what respecting boundaries are You want to talk to us when you want our money Yet if you were out with friends you would never give us the time of day I bet you ignore the pandhandlers on Granville St You lay guilt trips on us Maybe get a real job Because you are just doing it to pay for your education Bet you don't give month to month to your charity Oh & another thing Get out of our faces you miserable scum......leaches

Hello Mirror

Farewell ego. You've been my worse enemy. I need to learn to love myself anew. Else I'll keep dragging the world down with me.


A guy I work with got divorced. He has 3 kids aged 1, 3, and 5. His ex-wife couldn't take him working 80 hours a week at 2 jobs while she looked after the kids so she pulled the plug on the marriage. He now has to pay child support and alimony and its a ton of money and his ex-wife gets to stay in the house with the three kids. He will now be living in his childhood bedroom at his Italian parents house and that's it. His mom does make him some great pasta and spaghetti for lunch so its not all bad. After seeing how emotionally wrecked this guy is I am no longer going to complain about being single because I don't want to get married.

The Definition Of Insanity

Me supporting your business. There's only so many times I can receive such shitty service before I stop subjecting myself to it.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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